飯島圭哉, 佐藤典子, 木村有喜男, 宮田元, 鈴木博義, 後藤雄一, 村山久美子, 木村唯子, 浮城一司, 吉富宗健, et al. Correlation between genotype and neuroimaging in low-grade epilepsy-associated neuroepithelial tumors. てんかん研究. 2022. 40. 2
岩崎真樹, 飯島圭哉, 高山裕太郎, 小杉健三, 吉富宗健, 木村唯子, 金子裕, 馬場信平, 住友典子, 齋藤貴志, et al. Early epilepsy surgery for infants with drug-resistant epilepsy. 日本てんかん外科学会プログラム・抄録集. 2022. 45th
小杉健三, 飯島圭哉, 横佐古卓, 高山裕太郎, 木村唯子, 金子裕, 岩崎真樹. FDG-PET and gamma entropy analysis are useful in predicting postoperative seizure outcomes of subsequent surgery after corpus callosotomy. 小児の脳神経. 2021. 46. 2
2003 - 2009 Gunma University Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine
Professional career (1):
医学博士 (群馬大学)
Awards (7):
2024/04 - 6NCリトリート 理事長賞 てんかん原性腫瘍の分子生物学的解析
2021/12 - American Epilepsy Society Jack M. Pellock Pediatric Travel Award Genotype-Specific Neuroimaging Classification in Low-Grade Epilepsy-Associated Neuroepithelial Tumors
2020/12 - American Epilepsy Society Suzanne and Peter Berry International Abstract Award The specific neuroimaging patterns of BRAF V600E mutant and FGFR1 mutant low-grade epilepsy-associated neuroepithelial tumor