2023 - 2026 An Empirical Study on R&D Performance of Chinese Firms: Local Government Industrial Policy and ESG Management Perspective
2020 - 2025 U理論に基づいた自律性支援型ESD授業における動機づけ評価指標の実証的研究
2021 - 2024 How ESG investment can be popularised? An empirical exploration of driving factors
2018 - 2021 Developing an energy literacy scaling technique and an evaluation model of energy education efficacy: A case of elementary to high school students
2019 - 2021 A Comparative Study of Renewable Energy Promotion in Japan and Germany: An Economic Analysis of Demand and Supply Sides
2019 - 2020 How can we incentivise households to choose energy efficient air conditioner?: Empirical evidence from the Philippines
2016 - 2018 Developing energy literacy index and analysing the relationship between literacy and energy choices
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Papers (16):
Miwa Nakai, Victor von Loessl, Heike Wetzel. Preferences for dynamic electricity tariffs: A comparison of households in Germany and Japan. Ecological Economics. 2024. 223. 108239-108239
Katherine Hasse, Rose Mba Mebiame, Aline Mortha, Miwa Nakai, Helene Ahlborg, Kavya Michael, Ugur Ozdemir, Ioannis Tikoudis, Nicolina Lamhauge, Olufolahan Osunmuyiwa, et al. Household energy choices: New empirical evidence and policy implications for sustainable behaviour. OECD Environment Working Papers. 2024. 247
Kohei Mitsunami, Miwa Nakai. Are sustainable firms more innovative? The case of China. Japan and the World Economy. 2024. 69. 101238-101238
Miwa Nakai, Majah-Leah V. Ravago, Yoichi Miyaoka, Kiyoshi Saito, Toshi. H. Arimura. Consumers’ preferences for energy-efficient air conditioners in a developing country: a discrete choice experiment using eco labels. Energy Efficiency. 2023. 16. 3
Yushi Kunugi, Toshi H. Arimura, Miwa Nakai. The Long-Term Impact of Wind Power Generation on a Local Community: Economics Analysis of Subjective Well-Being Data in Chōshi City. Energies. 2021. 14. 13. 3984-3984
Kikuchi, Y., Oshita, Y., Nakai, M., Heiho, A., Fukushima, Y. A computer-aided analysis on regional power and heat energy systems considering socio-economic aspects: A case study on an isolated island in Japan. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2018. 43. 1347-1352
Kikuchi, Y., Nakai, M., Oosawa, K., Kanematsu, Y., Ouchida, K., Okubo, T. A computer-aided socio-technical analysis on national and regional energy systems considering local availability of renewable resources. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2017. 40. 2485-2490
Lectures and oral presentations (36):
Sustainable investment among retail investors in Japan
(29th Annual Conference, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 2024)
Heating use in cold climates: What makes the difference?
(Research Seminar, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia 2023)
Heating use in cold climates: What makes the difference?
(Research Seminar, University of Kassel, Germany 2023)
Heating use in the cold climates: what makes the difference?
(28th Annual Conference, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 2023)
Will the circular economy be advanced by sustainable investment? Prospects & challenges.
(2023 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2023)
2020/04 - 現在 Fukui Prefectural University Faculty of Economics Associate Professor
2018/04 - 2020/03 Waseda University Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management Assistant Professor
2015/11 - 2018/03 University of Tokyo Presidential Endowed Chair for "Platinum Society" Project Researcher
2014/04 - 2015/10 University of Tokyo Presidential Endowed Chair for "Platinum Society" Project Academic Support Specialist
Committee career (6):
2024/07 - 現在 福井県公共事業等評価委員会 委員
2024/02 - 現在 福井県環境審議会カーボンニュートラル評価委員会 委員長
2023/08 - 現在 福井市長政治倫理審査会 委員
2022/02 - 現在 福井県環境審議会 委員
2022/08 - 2023/02 福井県池田町脱炭素実行ビジョン策定専門会議 委員
2022/02 - 2023/01 福井県県民社会貢献活動推進協議会 委員
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Awards (4):
2013/10 - Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University Kishimoto Award
2012/09 - Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University Kishimoto Award
2012/06 - Kobe University Rokkodai Foundation Ryoso Award
2007/04 - Queensland Institute of Business and Technology (Griffith College) Academic Excellence
Association Membership(s) (3):
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
, International Association for Energy Economics