J-GLOBAL ID:201801000685655410   Update date: Jul. 16, 2024

Harada Masahide

Harada Masahide
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Nuclear engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2019 - 2023 Systematic experiments for influence of methyl radical and hydrogen bond on neutron slowing down and scattering data derivation
  • 2011 - 2016 All Solid State Superconducting System for Neutron Radiography with One Million Pixels and Submicron Resolution
  • 2009 - 2010 Establishment of two-dimensional analysis method with resonance-absorption transmission utilizing pulsed neutrons
  • 2008 - 2010 Study on change of transmission cross sections and development of new application field in spectroscopic imaging using a pulsed neutron transmission method
Papers (192):
  • The Dang Vu, Hiroaki Shishido, Kazuya Aizawa, Takayuki Oku, Kenichi Oikawa, Masahide Harada, Kenji M. Kojima, Shigeyuki Miyajima, Kazuhiko Soyama, Tomio Koyama, et al. Application of Energy-Resolving Neutron Imaging to Major-Component Analyses of Materials Using Four-Channel Superconducting Detector. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2024
  • The Dang Vu, Hiroaki Shishido, Kazuya Aizawa, Takayuki Oku, Kenichi Oikawa, Masahide Harada, Kenji M. Kojima, Shigeyuki Miyajima, Kazuhiko Soyama, Tomio Koyama, et al. Neutron transmission imaging system with a superconducting kinetic inductance detector. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2024. 2776. 1. 012009-012009
  • Tomoya Kanno, Kenji Ohoyama, Hajime Nakada, Yuto Fukui, Kota Yamakawa, Shota Hoshi, Motoki Takano, Yodai Kobayashi, Yuka Tomimatsu, Shingo Takahashi, et al. Development of instruments for imaging of local magnetic structure by magnetic neutron holography. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2024. 169349-169349
  • Takekazu Ishida, The Dang Vu, Hiroaki Shishido, Kazuya Aizawa, Takayuki Oku, Kenichi Oikawa, Masahide Harada, Kenji M. Kojima, Shigeyuki Miyajima, Tomio Koyama, et al. Neutron Transmission CB-KID Imager Using Samples Placed at Room Temperature. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2024. 214. 3-4. 152-157
  • Hiroaki Shishido, The Dang Vu, Kazuya Aizawa, Kenji M. Kojima, Tomio Koyama, Kenichi Oikawa, Masahide Harada, Takayuki Oku, Kazuhiko Soyama, Shigeyuki Miyajima, et al. Orientation mapping of YbSn3 single crystals based on Bragg-dip analysis using a delay-line superconducting sensor. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2023
MISC (101):
  • 原田正英, 勅使河原誠, 大井元貴, 及川健一. Performance of the high intense spallation neutron source. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 1
  • 原田正英, 安部豊, 及川健一, 川崎卓郎, 河村聖子, 中島健次, 稲村泰弘, 高橋竜太, 勅使河原誠, 大井元貴, et al. Measurement of cross sections for Hydrogenous materials. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2021. 2020
  • 勅使河原誠, 原田正英, 大井元木. Development status of moderator material at J-PARC. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2020. 2019
  • パーカー ジョセフ, 林田洋寿, 松本吉弘, 篠原武尚, 甲斐哲也, 及川健一, 中谷健, 瀬川麻里子, 原田正英, 廣井孝介, et al. Development of the μNID event-type neutron imaging detector at RADEN. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2019. 2018
  • 粉川広行, 直江崇, 涌井隆, 羽賀勝洋, 原田正英, 明午伸一郎, 大井元貴, 高田弘. J-PARC核破砕中性子源における陽子ビームの形状及び入射位置の変化が水銀ターゲットの核特性及び構造強度に及ぼす影響(1)水銀ターゲット容器の構造的健全性. 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2018. 2018. ROMBUNNO.2A18
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(工学) (九州大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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