J-GLOBAL ID:201801000705216698
Update date: May. 17, 2024 Taniguchi Wataru
タニグチ ワタル | Taniguchi Wataru
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
, Laboratory animal science
, Neuroscience - general
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14): - 2023 - 2026 不動痛はROSによる脊髄内TRPA1チャネル活性化を介した中枢性感作が関与する
- 2020 - 2023 ドーパミン作動神経下行性疼痛抑制系は運動療法による鎮痛機序に寄与するか
- 2018 - 2023 変形性膝関節症における機械受容チャネルを介した疼痛メカニズムの解明
- 2018 - 2022 Analysis of synaptic action of riluzole on inhibitory synaptic transmission in substantia gelatinosa neurons using whole-cell patch clamp recordings
- 2017 - 2021 Modulation of descending dopaminergic nerve system in the neuropathic pain
- 2015 - 2018 Analysis of the mechanism of neuropathic pain due to lumbar extra-foraminal stenosis
- 2014 - 2017 Analysis of the mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia using in vivo patch-clamp technique
- 2014 - 2017 The mechanism of descending pain excitatory system in the spinal dorsal horn neurons due to the activation of anterior cingulate cortex
- 2013 - 2016 A mechanism of spinal cord electrical stimulation-induced analgesia related to somatostatin
- 2013 - 2016 Mechanisms of analgesic action by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in the spinal dorsal horn
- 2012 - 2014 Activated microglia induce neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury -in vivo patch-clamp analysis-
- 2011 - 2013 A role of ROS in chronic intractable pain after spinal cord injury
- 2010 - 2012 Molecular mechanisms of spinal glia cell activation in chronic pain.
- 2010 - 2011 Elucidation of dopaminergic descending inhibitory passway by in vivo patch-clamp methods
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Papers (51): -
Hidenobu Tamai, Manabu Yamanaka, Wataru Taniguchi, Naoko Nishio, Daisuke Fukui, Terumasa Nakatsuka, Hiroshi Yamada. Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 in the knee is involved in osteoarthritis pain. Biochemistry and biophysics reports. 2023. 34. 101470-101470
曽根勝 真弓, Gu Jianguo G., 西尾 尚子, 山中 学, 谷口 亘, 下江 隆司, 神埜 聖治, 井上 慎吾, 木戸 勇介, 松山 雄樹, et al. 各種触覚機械受容器の電位依存性カリウムチャネル遮断薬に対する感受性の違い. 末梢神経. 2022. 33. 2. 244-244
Shizumasa Murata, Manabu Yamanaka, Wataru Taniguchi, Daiki Kajioka, Kentaro Suzuki, Gen Yamada, Yuka Okada, Shizuya Saika, Hiroshi Yamada. Lack of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) retards cutaneous wound healing in mice: A preliminary study. Biochemistry and biophysics reports. 2022. 31. 101322-101322
Ryo Taiji, Manabu Yamanaka, Wataru Taniguchi, Naoko Nishio, Shunji Tsutsui, Terumasa Nakatsuka, Hiroshi Yamada. Anti-allodynic and promotive effect on inhibitory synaptic transmission of riluzole in rat spinal dorsal horn. Biochemistry and biophysics reports. 2021. 28. 101130-101130
曽根勝 真弓, Gu Jianguo G., 岩崎 博, 筒井 俊二, 谷口 亘, 下江 隆司, 神埜 聖治, 山中 学, 太地 良, 木戸 勇介, et al. 単一軸索記録を簡便にしたPressure-clamped single-fiber recording法 神経皮膚標本への応用. 末梢神経. 2021. 32. 2. 274-274
more... MISC (43): - 谷口 亘, 西尾 尚子, 山中 学, 太地 良, 筒井 俊二, 中塚 映政, 山田 宏. 変形性膝関節症における荷重時痛とTRPV1に関するCatWalkを用いた解析. PAIN RESEARCH. 2019. 34. 3. 247-253
- 原田 悌志, 谷口 隆哉, 谷口 亘, 南方 邦彦. Primary THAにおいて術前可動域は脚延長量の指標となり得るか?. Hip Joint. 2019. 45. 2. 615-618
- 福井 大輔, 谷口 隆哉, 谷口 亘, 佐々木 貴英, 山田 宏. 内側半月板逸脱と骨髄内輝度変化領域との関係. JOSKAS. 2019. 44. 2. 304-305
- 福井 大輔, 谷口 隆哉, 谷口 亘, 佐々木 貴英, 山田 宏. 骨髄内輝度変化領域と内側半月板逸脱・下肢alignmentの関係. JOSKAS. 2019. 44. 2. 334-335
- 谷口 亘, 中塚 映政. 【長引く痛みに向き合う】《それぞれの痛みにどうつきあうか》 肩こりを科学する. Modern Physician. 2019. 39. 3. 263-265
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