Research field (1):
Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research keywords (1):
solid state chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2006 - 2007 In-situ observation of the phase conditions of rare erath manganites controlled by structure and crystal structure and application of new properties
2001 - 2004 Development of new materials of rare earth manganites with various magnetism and subsequent phase transition
2002 - 2003 Properties of dielectrics and microwave heating of zeolites with different framework structures -measurements and theoretical study
1998 - 1999 Study of the mechanism of microwave heating of zeolite A and the easily heatable composition
N. Kamegashira, H. Satoh, H. Nakano. Phases in rare erath manganites with layered perovskite type. Proc. of the 9th Japan-Korea joint workshop on advanced Semiconductor processes and equipments. 2008. 274-277
N Kamegashira, J Meng, T Mori, A Murase, H Satoh, T Shishido, T Fukuda. Growth and structure analysis of single crystal of tetragonal BaGd2Mn2O7 with a superlattice structure. MATERIALS LETTERS. 2003. 57. 13-14. 1941-1944