J-GLOBAL ID:201801002131101075
Update date: Aug. 19, 2020 Sun Xiaonan
Sun Xiaonan
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Economic statistics
Research keywords (3):
Firm behavior
, International economics
, International trade
Papers (3): -
Junjie Hong, Xiaonan Sun, Wei Huang. Local Institutions, Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity of Domestic Firms. REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS. 2016. 20. 1. 25-38
Keith Head, John Ries, Xiaonan Sun, Junjie Hong. The legacy of nineteenth century treaties on the current trade of Chinese cities. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS. 2015. 22. 3. 251-270
Xiaonan Sun, Junjie Hong. Exports, Ownership and Firm Productivity: Evidence from China. WORLD ECONOMY. 2011. 34. 7. 1199-1215
Education (1): - 2011 - 2017 University of British Columbia
Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page