J-GLOBAL ID:201801002132622052
Update date: Jan. 03, 2025 WATANABE Sennosuke
ワタナベ センノスケ | WATANABE Sennosuke
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): https://www.sewatana.com/ Research field (2):
Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
Research keywords (10):
, Quantum walk
, Combinatorics
, Min-Plus algebra
, Tropical geometry
, グレブナー基底
, Max-Plus algebra
, Cellular automaton
, Graph theory
, Optimization problem
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 2023 - 2027 Analysis of discrete dynamical systems described by max-plus equations and their applications
- 2021 - 2025 3状態3近傍CAのファジー化とダイナミックス
- 2020 - 2025 Construction of quantum walk model in Max-plus algebra and its application
- 2020 - 2023 モビリティ基盤数理研究ユニット
- 2019 - 2023 Development of linear solvers on max-plus algebra and its applications
- 2016 - 2019 Application of discrete and ultradiscrete integrable systems of hungry type to eigenvalue problem
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Papers (23): -
Yuki Nishida, Sennosuke Watanabe, Yoshihide Watanabe. Similarity and isospectral transformation of max-plus matrices. 2024. B96. 149-167
Yuki Nishida, Sennosuke Watanabe, Yoshihide Watanabe. Triangulation of diagonally dominant min-plus matrices. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. 2024
Yuki Nishidaa, Sennosuke Watanabe, Yoshihide Watanabe. Independence and orthogonality of algebraic eigenvectors over the max-plus algebra. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 2024. 73. 1. 87-105
Masafumi Kan, Akiko Fukuda, Sennosuke Watanabe. Ultradiscrete hungry Toda equation and eigenvalues over min-plus algebra. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2023. OPEN ACCESS
Yuki Nishida, Koki Yamasaki, Sennosuke Watanabe, Akiko Fukuda, Yoshihide Watanabe. Convergence of Vector-Valued Fuzzy Cellular Automata with Weighted-Averaging Rules. Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems. 2023. 48-59
more... MISC (12): -
渡邉扇之介. 2021年度応用数学合同研究集会参加報告. JSIAM Online Magazine. 2022
福田 亜希子, 渡邉 扇之介, 瀬川 悦生. 相関付きランダムウォークから導かれる 連続・離散・超離散方程式. 津田塾大学 数学・計算機科学研究所報. 2021. 42. 45-55
西田 優樹, 山﨑 功貴, 渡邉 扇之介, 福田 亜希子, 渡邊 芳英. 完全1次保存する3値3近傍ファジーCAの収束性. 津田塾大学 数学・計算機科学研究所報. 2021. 42. 109-119
管 雅文, 福田 亜希子, 渡邉 扇之介. 超離散ハングリー戸田方程式によるmin-plus代数上の固有値計算. 九州大学応用力学研究所研究会報告集(RIAM講究録). 2020
渡邉 扇之介, 福田 亜希子, 瀬川 悦生, 佐藤 巖. 量子ウォークのmax-plus類似とその性質. 九州大学応用力学研究所研究会報告集(RIAM講究録). 2020
more... Books (2): - Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society
Springer 2024 ISBN:9789819997718
- Max-plus at work
2022 ISBN:9784627062016
Lectures and oral presentations (130): -
(研究集会「非線形波動から可積分系へ2024」 2024)
(日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 2024年秋季研究発表会 2024)
(第2回福知山数理・データサイエンス研究会 2024)
(第2回福知山数理・データサイエンス研究会 2024)
(第2回福知山数理・データサイエンス研究会 2024)
more... Education (3): - 2010 - 2013 Doshisha university Graduate school of science and engineering Science of environment and mathematical modeling
- 2008 - 2010 Doshisha university Graduate school of engineering Electrical and electronic engineering
- 2004 - 2008 Doshisha university Faculty of engineering Department of electrical engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (5): - 2020/04 - 現在 The University of Fukuchiyama Faculty of Informatics Associate professor
- 2019/04 - 2020/03 National Institute of Technology, Oyama College Department of General Education Assistant Professor
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 National institute of technology, Oyama college Department of general education Assistant professor
- 2016/05 - 2017/03 Kyoto prefectural university Faculty of life and environmental sciences Research assistant professor
- 2014/04 - 2016/03 Doshisha University Organization for research initiatives and development Research associate
Committee career (2): - 2024/04 - 現在 日本応用数理学会 学会誌「応用数理」編集委員
- 2023/04 - 現在 日本数学会 応用数学合同研究集会 運営委員
Awards (9): - 2024/11 - 研究集会「非線形波動から可積分系へ2024」 最優秀ポスター賞 白血病に対する放射線治療や抗がん剤治療の効果を付与したセルオートマトンモデル
- 2021/10 - International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation 2021 (ICoMPAC 2021) The Best Paper Award "Traffic flow models with two kinds of vehicles in terms of the vector-valued cellular automata and their fuzzification"
- 2020/11 - 津田塾大学数学計算機科学研究所 オンライン研究集会 ~ 非線形波動から可積分系へ ~ 最優秀ポスター賞 「完全1次保存する3値3近傍ファジーセルオートマトンの収束性」
- 2019/08 - "The 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications (MAT TRIAD 2019)" Young Scientist Award "On the vectors associated with the roots of max-plus characteristic polynomials"
- 2018/09 - The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster award
- 2017/09 - The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster award
- 2016/09 - The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster award
- 2012/09 - The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster award
- 2011/09 - The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster award Eigenvalue problem over Min-Plus algebra
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 情報処理学会
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