Nobutane Hanayama, Ryuichi Nogami. A method for illustrating shogi postmortems using results of statistical analysis of kifu data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2017. 10507. 277-283
Nobutane HANAYAMA, Ryuichi NOGAMI, Akihiro WASHITSU. A procedure of statistical discriminant analysis of winner of shogi games and a method for illustrating shogi games. 尚美学園大学芸術情報研究 = Journal of informatics for arts, Shobi University. 2017. 26. 29-38
Yoshiaki SHIKATA, Nobutane HANAYAMA. Performance Evaluation of a Prioritized Limited Round-Robin System. 尚美学園大学芸術情報研究 = Journal of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University. 2016. 25. 75-85