Research keywords (8):
Conceptual transfer
, Cross Linguistic influence
, First language influence
, Language transfer
, Information organization
, Thinking for speaking
, Cognitive Linguistics
, Second Language Acquisition
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2024 Thinking for speaking in bimodal L2 English production by advanced Japanese learners of English
Hiromi Noguchi. L2 English Thinking-for-Speaking of Advanced Japanese Learners. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 2017
Hiromi Noguchi. The Use of Technology In-and-outside Second Language Classrooms: How, What, and Why?. Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. 2011. 11. 2. 25-26
Hiromi Noguchi. Talmy’s Dichotomous Typology and Japanese Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events. Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. 2011. 11. 1. 29-47
Hiromi Noguchi. Filling In the Missing Piece in Research on Lexicalization Patterns. Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. 2009. 9. 2. 52-53
MISC (2):
Terue Nakato, Fuminori Nakamura, Hiromi Noguchi. English Conversation for Nurses. 2019
Hiromi Noguchi. [Bookreview] Linguistic Relativity in SLA: Thinking for Speaking. Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. 2011. 11. 1. 72-72
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
The influence of variability in the L2 lexical attainment on the L2 discourse attainment
(J-SLA The 19th Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan 2019)
L2 English Thinking-for-Speaking of Advanced Japanese Learners
(Human Linguistics Circle (HLC) 2019 2019)
L2 English Lexicalization Patterns in Learner Productions: Saliency of Semantic Features in the Input, L1 and the Interlanguage
(AAAL 2012 Annual Conference, Boston MA 2012)
Reexamining the Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events of Japanese and English: Perspectives of Ease of Processing, Frequency, and Form-Meaning Variability
(AAAL 2011 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 2011)
Nature of input and its implications for L2 lexicalization patterns of Motion events: Text analysis of English & Japanese
(40th Annual Conference of NYS TESOL, Albany, NY 2010)