J-GLOBAL ID:201801002590343073
Update date: Sep. 01, 2020
Daido Kohei
Daido Kohei
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2018 - 2023 契約と組織の先端的経済分析
2015 - 2018 インセンティブと組織構造の行動契約理論分析
2011 - 2013 報酬体系の行動経済学的理論研究
2008 - 2009 A behavioral economic analysis on firm organizations
2006 - 2008 組織における心理的要因を考慮したインセンティブ設計に関する理論的研究
2005 - 2006 心理的要因を考慮したインセンティブに関する理論研究
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Papers (7):
Kohei Daido, Takeshi Murooka. Team Incentives and Reference-Dependent Preferences. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 2016. 25. 4. 958-989
Kohei Daido, Ken Tabata. Public infrastructure, production organization, and economic development. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS. 2013. 38. 330-346
Kohei Daido, Kimiyuki Morita, Takeshi Murooka, Hiromasa Ogawa. Task assignment under agent loss aversion. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 2013. 121. 1. 35-38
Kohei Daido. Formal and relational incentives in a multitask model. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS. 2006. 26. 3. 380-394
Kohei Daido. Peer pressure and incentives. Bulletin of Economic Research. 2006. 58. 1. 51-60
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