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J-GLOBAL ID:201801002758211445   Update date: Aug. 14, 2024

Takahashi Hirokazu

タカハシ ヒロカズ | Takahashi Hirokazu
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (4): Applied microbiology ,  Molecular biology ,  Virology ,  Genomics
Research keywords  (5): ゲノム ,  トランスクリプトーム ,  RNA ,  DNA増幅 ,  分子生物
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2021 - 2023 Development of a novel method CAIOS for DNA synthesis toward buildup of synthetic biology
Papers (41):
  • Yoshiko Okamura, Masahiro Suemitsu, Takato Ishikawa, Hirokazu Takahashi. Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Specific Genome Amplification Using Rolling Circle Amplification for Targeted Gene Sequencing. International journal of molecular sciences. 2024. 25. 10
  • Yoshiko Okamura, Hirokazu Takahashi, Atsuyuki Shiida, Yuto Hirata, Haruko Takeyama, Katsuhiko Suzuki. Screening of Neutrophil Activating Factors from a Metagenome Library of Sponge-Associated Bacteria. Marine Drugs. 2021. 19. 8. 427-427
  • Kyohei Horio, Hirokazu Takahashi, Toshiro Kobori, Kenshi Watanabe, Tsunehiro Aki, Yutaka Nakashimada, Yoshiko Okamura. Visualization of gene reciprocity among lactic acid bacteria in yogurt by rnase H-assisted rolling circle amplification-fluorescence in situ hybridization. Microorganisms. 2021. 9. 6
  • Kenshi Watanabe, Charose Marie Ting Perez, Tomoki Kitahori, Kosuke Hata, Masato Aoi, Hirokazu Takahashi, Tetsushi Sakuma, Yoshiko Okamura, Yutaka Nakashimada, Takashi Yamamoto, et al. Improvement of fatty acid productivity of thraustochytrid, Aurantiochytrium sp. by genome editing. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2021. 131. 4. 373-380
  • Hirokazu Takahashi, Kyohei Horio, Setsu Kato, Toshiro Kobori, Kenshi Watanabe, Tsunehiro Aki, Yutaka Nakashimada, Yoshiko Okamura. Direct detection of mRNA expression in microbial cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization using RNase H-assisted rolling circle amplification. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2020. 10. 1
MISC (4):
  • Reagents and environment for single cell genomics. THE CHEMICAL TIMES. 2015. 238. 4
  • Resolution of technical issues on DNA recovery from agarose gel by ViewaBlue ® Stain KANTO. THE CHEMICAL TIMES. 2013. 230. 4. 19-23
  • Toshiro Kobori, Hirokazu Takahashi, Atsuko Matsumoto, Shigeru Sugiyama. Direct detection of microbial mRNA by rolling circle amplification. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2010. 240
  • 高橋 宏和, 林 宏恵, 渡辺 真紀子, 生田 和良. 精神疾患との関連性が見られるボルナ病ウイルス. 臨床検査. 1998. 42. 6. 694-695
Patents (6):
Books (2):
  • Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA): Toward New Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics (ed Vadim V. Demidov)
    Springer International Publishing 2016
  • 「次世代遺伝子発現プロフィール解析法-未知遺伝子、未知転写産物の検出」蛋白核酸酵素、2003年8月号増刊 第48巻11号、「化学と生物学の接点が作るNewバイオテクノロジー」
    共立出版 2003
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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