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J-GLOBAL ID:201801002771411453   Update date: Sep. 10, 2024

Nakashima Ai

ナカシマ アイ | Nakashima Ai
Research field  (1): Molecular biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2021 - 2026 Cell type census for for neuronal structure and function generation
  • 2020 - 2024 社会的な脳を形成する神経活動依存的な機構の解明
  • 2018 - 2020 Cell-type-specific patterned activities specify gene expression patterns for olfactory circuit formation
  • 2019 - 2019 神経活動パターンが機能的回路形成に及ぼす影響の検討
  • 2016 - 2018 Deorphanizing human odorant receptors
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Papers (13):
  • Ai Nakashima, Haruki Takeuchi. Roles of odorant receptors during olfactory glomerular map formation. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 2024. 62. 3. e23610
  • Ai Nakashima, Haruki Takeuchi. Shaping the olfactory map: cell type-specific activity patterns guide circuit formation. Frontiers in neural circuits. 2024. 18. 1409680-1409680
  • Junya Onodera, Hidetaka Nagata, Ai Nakashima, Yuji Ikegaya, Ryuta Koyama. Neuronal brain-derived neurotrophic factor manipulates microglial dynamics. Glia. 2021. 69. 4. 890-904
  • Ai Nakashima, Naoki Ihara, Yuji Ikegaya, Haruki Takeuchi. Cell type-specific patterned neural activity instructs neural map formation in the mouse olfactory system. Neuroscience research. 2020
  • Takeyuki Miyawaki, Shota Morikawa, Etsuo A Susaki, Ai Nakashima, Haruki Takeuchi, Shun Yamaguchi, Hiroki R Ueda, Yuji Ikegaya. Visualization and molecular characterization of whole-brain vascular networks with capillary resolution. Nature communications. 2020. 11. 1. 1104-1104
MISC (5):
  • Naoki Ihara, Ai Nakashima, Yuji Ikegaya, Haruki Takeuchi. Differential expression of axon-sorting molecules in mouse olfactory sensory neurons. CHEMICAL SENSES. 2016. 41. 9. E254-E255
  • Ai Nakashima, Naoki Ihara, Yuji Ikegaya, Haruki Takeuchi. Activity-dependent mechanisms of olfactory map formation. CHEMICAL SENSES. 2016. 41. 9. E255-E255
  • 白須未香, 白須未香, 吉川敬一, 高井佳基, 中嶋藍, 竹内春樹, 坂野仁, 東原和成, 東原和成. ムスクの香りを感知する受容体と脳領域の決定. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2014. 2014
  • Ai Nakashima, Haruki Takeuchi, Shou Serizavva, Hitoshi Sakano. Molecular basis for the OR-instructed axonal projection of olfactory sensory neurons. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2008. 61. S249-S249
  • Ai Nakashima, Haruki Takeuchi, Shou Serizawa, Hitoshi Sakano. Combinatorial code of cell-recognition molecules for the axonal segregation of olfactory sensory neurons. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2007. 58. S102-S102
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