Research keywords (4):
, Conservation
, Ornithology
, River Ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2023 - 2027 Pursuing the past-present dynamics and future predictions of alpine ecosystems, by making full use of "comprehensive knowledge" that fuses humanities and sciences
2017 - 2020 Migration route, stopover sites, and wintering area of waders breeding on gravel bar habitat in central Japan.
Papers (32):
Kanae Sakaguchi, Mizuki Tanabe, Shino Takizawa, Satoe Kasahara, Tomohiro Denda, Shota Koide, Wataru Hayashi, Yukiko Nagano, Noriyuki Nagano. Zoonotic potential and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia spp. in urban crows in Japan-first detection of E. marmotae and E. ruysiae. Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases. 2023. 100. 102040-102040
Kazunori SHIZUKA, Satoe KASAHARA, Nobuyuki AZUMA. Diet analysis of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo wintering in Aomori Prefecture using DNA metabarcoding. Ornithological Science. 2023
Eiji Soga, Kanae Sakaguchi, Shino Takizawa, Mizuki Tanabe, Tomohiro Denda, Shota Koide, Wataru Hayashi, Satoe Kasahara, Yukiko Nagano, Noriyuki Nagano. Emergence of Vibrio cincinnatiensis, a Rare Human Pathogen, in Urban Crows. Microbiology Spectrum. 2023. 11. 1
You IKAWA, Satoe KASAHARA, Masanobu HOTTA. First record of the Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) at the Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. Bull. Nagano. Environ. Conserve. Res. Inst. 2021. 17. 109-112
Migration route, stopover sites and wintering area of the Little Ringed Plover breeding in central Japan.
(The waterbird society 43th annual meeting (Maryland, USA))