J-GLOBAL ID:201801002800432996
Update date: Aug. 25, 2024 Kusaka Keisuke
クサカ ケイスケ | Kusaka Keisuke
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): https://eclab01.nagaokaut.ac.jp/ Research field (1):
Electrical power engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2021 - 2023 漏えい磁界高調波ゼロを実現するワイヤレス給電用高周波電源の開発
- 2019 - 2021 Wireless power transfer system for radiative noise reduction with combined power supply and transmission coil
- 2014 - 2016 入力インピーダンスの整合が可能なワイヤレス電力伝送向け受電側整流器の開発
Papers (111): -
Kodai Nishikawa, Keisuke Kusaka, Hiroki Watanabe, Jun-ichi Itoh. Improvement Method of Disturbance Suppression for Single-Phase Grid-Tied Inverter Using Semi-Open-Loop Control. IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications. 2024. 144. 5. 418-426
Yang He, Taisei Ishiyama, Xiaojing Ren, Kazuki Nagao, Taichi Sugai, Keisuke Kusaka, Weihua Jiang. Solid-State Spiker-Sustainer Circuit Consisting of PFN and SOS. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2024. 52. 1. 120-125
Hirotaka Kato, Takahiro Kumagai, Jun Ichi Itoh, Keisuke Kusaka, Masakazu Kato. V/f Control for Switched Reluctance Motor. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. 2024. 13. 3. 261-269
Kikuchi Naoto, Kusaka Keisuke, Watanabe Hiroki, Itoh Jun-ichi. Hybrid Modulation Method of PWM and Square-Wave Operation for Single-Phase Solid-State Transformer with ISOP Connection. IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications. 2023. 143. 12. 758-765
Yuki Kawai, Naoto Kikuchi, Hiroki Watanabe, Keisuke Kusaka, Jun-Ichi Itoh. Switched flyback PFC converter for wide AC input voltage range. 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia). 2023
more... MISC (15): -
楠居琳太郎, 日下佳祐, 伊東淳一. WPT system with flying-capacitor converter on both primary and secondary side for current harmonics reduction. 電気学会研究会資料(Web). 2023. PE-23-070-092/PSE-23-076-098/SPC-23-126-148
山縣一輝, 日下佳祐. Reduction in Leakage Electromagnetic Field using Transmission Coils with Halbach Winding on Wireless Power Transfer. 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
楠居琳太郎, 日下佳祐, 伊東淳一. Current harmonics reduction for WPT system with flying-capacitor converter on both primary and secondary side. 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
志村慎士郎, 日下佳祐. Space Vector Modulation to Maintain Unbalanced Flying Capacitor Voltage for Output Current Ripple Reduction. 電気学会研究会資料(Web). 2023. SPC-23-182-207/MD-23-079-104
徳力雅也, 日下佳祐, 黒田敏行. Harmonic current compensation method for a non-linear load of wireless power Transfer system with utility-frequency output. 電気学会研究会資料(Web). 2023. SPC-23-182-207/MD-23-079-104
more... Books (1): - リアクタンスキャンセル機能を有する電力変換器を用いた非接触給電システムの低損失化
長岡技術科学大学 2016
Lectures and oral presentations (125): -
Switched flyback PFC converter for wide AC input voltage range
(ICPE 2023-ECCE Asia - 11th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia: Green World with Power Electronics 2023)
Wireless Power Transfer system with Flying Capacitor Converter for Current Harmonics Reduction
(2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2023 2023)
Active and Reactive Power Sharing using Adaptive Virtual Impedance Control for Parallel-connected Inverters
(2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2023 2023)
Uninterrupted Switching based on VSG Control between Grid-connected and Stand-alone Operation of Single-Phase Grid-Tied Inverter
(2022 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Himeji 2022-ECCE Asia 2022)
Decentralized Control Using Wireless Signal Communication for Multi-Port EV Charger with Multiple Cells
(2022 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Himeji 2022-ECCE Asia 2022)
more... Education (4): - 2015 - 2016 Swiss Federal Institute of Lausannne
- 2013 - 2016 Nagaoka University of Technology Dept. of engineering Energy and Environment Science
- 2011 - 2013 Nagaoka University of Technology Dept. of engineering Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
- 2009 - 2011 Nagaoka University of Technology Dept. of Engineering Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2024/04 - 現在 Nagaoka University of Technology
- 2021/11 - 2024/03 Nagaoka University of Technology Top Runner incubation Center for Academia-Industry Fusion
- 2018/04 - 2021/10 Nagaoka University of Technology Assistant Professor
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 Nagaoka University of Technology Industry, Academia, Government collaboration researcher
Committee career (5): - 2019/11 - 現在 2020年電気学会産業応用部門大会実行委員会 委員
- 2019/08 - 現在 電気学会 論文委員会(D1グループ)
- 2016/03 - 現在 自動車技術会 ワイヤレス給電システム技術部門委員会
- 2019/12 - 2023/03 電気学会 IPEC2022論文委員会
- 2017/03 - 2019/03 電気学会 ワイヤレス電力伝送におけるパワーエレクトロニクス技術調査専門委員会 幹事補佐
Awards (3): - 2020/11 - 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Best Paper Award Decentralized Control Using Wireless Signal Communication for Solid-State Transformer with Cascaded Chopper Cell
- 2019 - 自動車技術会 技術部門貢献賞
- The 2018 International Power Electronics Conference Second Prize Paper Award Three-phase Inductive Power Transfer System with 12 Coils for Radiation Noise Reduction
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 電子情報通信学会
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