Shelters specializing in pregnant women and mothers and their children: a literature review on understanding the needs of the affected population and the challenges faced by providers of support. 2023. 24. 3. 7-21
Miyuki Oka, Frida Madeni, Shigeko Horiuchi. Effects of prenatal group program in rural Tanzania: A quasi-experimental study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2022. 19. 4. e12502
山本真実, 新福洋子, 岡美雪, 福冨理佳, 高橋菜央, 堀内成子. Coaching facilitators for Early Essential Newborn Care with the World Health Organization Collaboration Project. 日本助産学会誌(Web). 2019. 33. 1
Promoting Cultural Competence in Healthcare Providers with a Diversity-Friendly Program
(グローバルヘルス合同大会 2024)
Development and Validation of Audiovisual Materials for Pregnancy in Rural Tanzania
(16th Biennial Scientific Conference, The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing and Midwifery (ECSACONM))
Needs survey to establish “the priority shelter” for pregnant women and mothers with babies during disasters
(27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2024) Conference)