Research field (3):
Tumor biology
, Biomedical engineering
, Orthopedics
Research keywords (3):
extracellular matrix
, osteosarcoma
, metastasis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2024 - 2027 骨肉腫細胞が軟らかい環境で増殖するメカニズムは肺転移の治療標的となるか?
2021 - 2024 骨肉腫の足場依存的な肺内増殖メカニズムの解明と肺転移抑制療法への応用
2018 - 2021 Lung fibrosis is a novel therapeutic target to suppress lung metastasis of osteosarcoma
Papers (30):
Satoru Sasagawa, Jun Kumai, Toru Wakamatsu, Yoshihiro Yui. Improvement of histone deacetylase inhibitor efficacy by SN38 through TWIST1 suppression in synovial sarcoma. Cancer innovation. 2024. 3. 2. e113
Jason J. Northey, Mary-Kate Hayward, Yoshihiro Yui, Connor Stashko, FuiBoon Kai, Janna K. Mouw, Dhruv Thakar, Jonathon N. Lakins, Alastair J. Ironside, Susan Samson, et al. Mechanosensitive hormone signaling promotes mammary progenitor expansion and breast cancer risk. Cell Stem Cell. 2024. 31. 1. 106-126.e13
Rie Suzuki, Toru Wakamatsu, Keiichi Yoshida, Yukiko Matsuoka, Haruna Takami, Sho Nakai, Hironari Tamiya, Shigeki Kakunaga, Toshinari Yagi, Ken-ichi Yoshida, et al. Genetic characterization of a novel organoid from human malignant giant-cell tumor. Journal of Bone Oncology. 2023. 41. 100486-100486
由井 理洋, 若松 透, 笹川 覚. 肺線維化は骨肉腫肺転移の治療標的となりうる(Lung fibrosis is a novel therapeutic target to suppress lung metastasis of osteosarcoma). 日本癌学会総会記事. 2022. 81回. P-1144
Sonya Liu, Russell Bainer, Yoshihiro Yui, Colin Flinders, Parag Mallick, Valerie Weaver, Shannon Mumenthaler. Characterization of diverging molecular and phenotypic responses under changing extracellular matrix stiffness in MCF10A cells. CANCER RESEARCH. 2016. 76
Russell Bainer, Yoshihiro Yui, Shannon Mumenthaler, Parag Mallick, Ondrej Podlaha, Franziska Michor, Jan Liphardt, Jonathan Licht, Valerie Weaver. 3D extracellular stiffness cues drive localized changes in gene expression. CANCER RESEARCH. 2014. 74. 19
Hongmei Yu, Yoshihiro Yui, Valerie Weaver. Tumor metastasis is modulated by tissue stiffness in MMTV-PyMT breast cancer model. CANCER RESEARCH. 2012. 72