2017 - 2020 Habitat network structure of medium-sized carnivores in a highly urbanized landscape
2015 - 2018 都市における哺乳類の生息環境評価とそれに基づく環境設計の提案
2014 - 2016 Projecting the geographical range of butterflies in Japan under environmental changes based on species distribution model considering biotic interaction
Papers (70):
Mio Suzuki, Masayuki U. Saito. Vehicular traffic frequency and environmental factors affect forest road use by ground-dwelling mammals in northeastern Japan: Management intensity matters. Forest Ecology and Management. 2024. 572. 15. 122318
Eiki Aikawa, Masayuki U. Saito. Landscape factors affecting the amphibian occurrence on roads: An assessment focusing on differences between live and dead animals. Acta Oecologica. 2024. 124. 104015
Mio Suzuki, Masayuki U. Saito. Seasonal changes in forest road use by mammals in a heavy snowfall area, north-eastern Japan: effects of management intensities. Journal of Vertebrate Biology. 2024. 73. 24001. 24001
Kaho Sasaoka, Masayuki U. Saito. Small pools on the sides of forest roads as breeding sites for the Tohoku salamander (Hynobius lichenatus): a case study in the Shonai region of northeastern Japan. Ecology and Civil Engineering. 2024. 26. 2. 113-120
Takaaki Enomoto, Masayuki U. Saito. Distribution, habitat selection, and diel activity patterns of four introduced carnivores on Okushiri Island, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Mammal Study. 2024. in press
Carnivore studies in urban areas. 哺乳類科学. 2017. 57. 1. 157-158(J-STAGE)
Books (3):
共立出版 2018
東京大学出版会 2018
東海大学出版会 2012
Education (3):
2008 - 2011 Yokohama National University Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences Department of Risk Management and Environmental Sciences
2006 - 2008 Yokohama National University Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences Department of Risk Management and Environmental Sciences
2002 - 2006 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences School of Life Science
Professional career (1):
博士(環境学) (横浜国立大学)
Work history (6):
2020/04 - 現在 Yamagata University Faculty of Agriculture
2017/04 - 2020/03 Yamagata University Faculty of Agriculture
2015/04 - 2017/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2012/04 - 2015/03 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 特任研究員
2011/04 - 2012/03 Yokohama National University Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences