Research keywords (7):
Sleep physiology
, Neuronal oscillations and synchrony
, EEG/LFP interpretation
, Computer models and simulations
, Signal analysis
, Dynamical systems
, Stochastic processes
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2019 - 2021 Analysis of sleep electroencephalograms by a novel analysis method focusing on transient events
2013 - 2014 Application of a new method of measurement of respiratory disturbance for diagnosis of sleep apnea and hypopneaApplication of a new method of measurement of respiratory disturbance for diagnosis of sleep apnea and hypopneaApplication of a new method of me
2010 - 2012 Automated analysis of bioelectric signals: application to polysomnography in the diagnosis of sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome
Papers (20):
Víctor Manuel Hidalgo, Javier Díaz, Jorge Mpodozis, Juan-Carlos Letelier. Envelope Analysis of the Human Alpha Rhythm Reveals EEG Gaussianity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2023. 70. 4. 1242-1251
Javier Díaz, Hiroyasu Ando, GoEun Han, Olga Malyshevskaya, Xifang Hayashi, Juan-Carlos Letelier, Masashi Yanagisawa, Kaspar E. Vog. Recovering Arrhythmic EEG Transients from Their Stochastic Interference. arXiv. 2023
Insung Park, Chihiro Kokudo, Jaehoon Seol, Asuka Ishihara, Simeng Zhang, Akiko Uchizawa, Haruka Osumi, Ryusuke Miyamoto, Kazumasa Horie, Chihiro Suzuki, et al. Instability of non-REM sleep in older women evaluated by sleep-stage transition and envelope analyses. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2022. 14
GoEun Han, Sumire Matsumoto, Javier Diaz, Robert W. Greene, Kaspar E. Vogt. Dihydropyridine calcium blockers do not interfere with non-rapid eye movement sleep. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022. 16
Insung Park, Javier Díaz, Sumire Matsumoto, Kaito Iwayama, Yoshiharu Nabekura, Hitomi Ogata, Momoko Kayaba, Atsushi Aoyagi, Katsuhiko Yajima, Makoto Satoh, et al. Exercise improves the quality of slow-wave sleep by increasing slow-wave stability. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1