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J-GLOBAL ID:201801004524729583   Update date: Jul. 01, 2024

Ogata Yoshiyuki

オガタ ヨシユキ | Ogata Yoshiyuki
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.biosci.osakafu-u.ac.jp/ogata/
Research field  (3): Genomics ,  Biological, health, and medical informatics ,  Systems genomics
Research keywords  (6): genome evolution ,  big data analysis ,  microbiome ,  gene function ,  database ,  bioinformatics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (5):
  • 2021 - 2025 都市緑地の植生を環境DNAメタバーコーディング法で把握するための基礎的研究
  • 2020 - 2023 アクチン脱重合因子による新規核内DNA倍加制御機構の解析
  • 2014 - 2017 The statistical verification of the minimum experimental datasets for the isolation of plant secondary metabolites related transcription factors using RNA-Seq analysis technique.
  • 2011 - 2013 Functional analysis of isoflavonoid biosynthesis related transcription factors using gene co-expression network analysis
  • 2008 - 2010 Development of a new mass fragmentation analysis for understanding the diversity of metabolite
Papers (38):
MISC (17):
  • Kota Kera, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Takeshi Ara, Yoshiki Nagashima, Norimoto Shimada, Nozomu Sakurai, Daisuke Shibata, Hideyuki Suzuki. ShiftedIonsFinder: A standalone Java tool for finding peaks with specified mass differences by comparing mass spectra of isotope-labeled and unlabeled data sets. Plant Biotechnology. 2014. 31. 3. 269-274
  • Koh Aoki, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Kaori Igarashi, Kentaro Yano, Hideki Nagasaki, Eli Kaminuma, Atsushi Toyoda. Functional genomics of tomato in a post-genome-sequencing phase. Breeding Science. 2013. 63. 1. 14-20
  • Nobuaki Suzuki, Shinya Takeno, Hirotaka Uefuji, Takashi Nishikawa, Takeshi Bamba, Ei-ichiro Fukusaki, Akio Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Daisuke Shibata, Yoshihisa Nakazawa. EST ANALYSIS OF TRANS-RUBBER PRODUCING PLANT, EUCOMMIA ULMOIDES OLIVER AND IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE GENES IN TRANS-1,4-POLYISOPRENE PRODUCTION. PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY. 2012. 50. 5. 668-668
  • Nozomu Sakurai, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Takeshi Ara, Ryosuke Sano, Nayumi Akimoto, Atsushi Hiruta, Hideyuki Suzuki, Masataka Kajikawa, Utut Widyastuti, Sony Suharsono, et al. Development of KaPPA-View4 for omics studies on Jatropha and a database system KaPPA-Loader for construction of local omics databases. Plant Biotechnology. 2012. 29. 2. 131-135
  • Yoshiyuki Ogata, Hideyuki Suzuki. Plant expressed sequence tags databases: practical uses and the improvement of their searches using network module analysis. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2011. 28. 4. 351-360
Patents (1):
  • Program of correlation network analysis
Lectures and oral presentations  (14):
  • Gcorn: a database for analyzing gene function and evolution
    (The 41st annual meeting of the MBSJ 2018)
  • A database to retrieve plant genes based on gene homology
    (The 68th Annual Meeting of the JWRS 2018)
  • A network analysis of gene homology in plants
    (The 59th JSPP Annual Meeting 2018)
  • The easier way to use next-generation sequencers
    (The 1st workshop of Bioinformatics section of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan 2017)
  • PLAGO: a databasae of plant gene expression based on RNA-Seq analyses
    (The 35th Annual Meeting of the JSPCMB 2017)
Works (1):
  • ConfeitoGUI
    Ogata, Yoshiyuki 2015 - 現在
Work history (1):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Agriculture Associate Professor
Awards (1):
  • 2010/09 - Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Insentive Award
Association Membership(s) (7):
Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution ,  The American Society of Plant Biologists ,  American Association for the Advancement of Science ,  International Association of Wood Anatomists ,  THE JAPAN WOOD RESEARCH SOCIETY ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGISTS ,  THE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY SOCIETY OF JAPAN
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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