2018 - 2018 The XVIII World Economic History Congress への出張費用補助
2009 - 2011 The Making of Atlanta's Public Transit and the Atlanta Paradox in the Late 20th Century
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Papers (15):
Ichiro Miyata. " 'A Must for Atlanta's Future': Metropolitan Atlanta and the Rapid Transit Idea, 1963-65". Japanese Journal of American Studies. 2022. 33. 67-85
Limitations and Possibilities in the Work of the Post-Suburban Generation of Historians : Thoughts on the Resurgence of Cities, the History of Capitalism, and Recent Urban History. 2016. 39. 39. 3-26
Unregistered, Unregistered. Review of _Environment and Society in the Japanese Islands: From Prehistory to the Present by Bruce l. Batten and Philip C. Brown. Agricultural History. 2016. 90. 2. 257-258
"Rising from the Ashes and the Concrete Rubble: Gentrification in Central Atlanta and Tokyo in the 21st Century"
(The XVIII World Economic History Conference, Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA 2018)