J-GLOBAL ID:201801005166787246
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Kimata Shoko
キマタ シヨウコ | Kimata Shoko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2021 - 2024 天然物誘導体化による非天然型新規化合物創出を志向した放線菌機能未知遺伝子の解析
Papers (8): -
Yoichi Hayakawa, Yuta Ibusuki, Shoko Kimata. 13-Deoxo-13-iminodutomycin, a new neuroprotective compound from Streptomyces sp. RAP78. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2021
Yoichi Hayakawa, Tomohiro Yoshida, Shoko Kimata, Kazuo Shin-ya. Dunaimycin C3, a new GRP78 downregulator from Streptomyces sp. RAN389. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2021. 74. 1. 76-79
Yoichi Hayakawa, Ryodai Yaguchi, Minami Akimoto, Shoko Kimata, Kazuo Shin-ya. Neocurromycin A, a new GRP78 downregulator from Streptomyces sp. RAI364. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2020. 73. 11. 790-793
- Yoichi Hayakawa, Taishin Kuriyama, Yuta Ibusuki, Shoko Kimata. Pyroxazone, a new neuroprotective compound from Streptomyces sp. RAN54. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2018. 71. 11. 962-964
- Yoichi Hayakawa, Risako Sone, Haruna Aoki, Shoko Kimata. Quinomycins H1 and H2, new cytotoxic antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. RAL404. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2018. 71. 10. 898-901
more... Professional career (1): - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Tokyo University of Science)
Work history (1): - 2018/04 - Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor
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