- 2024/11 - 日本歯科理工学会 岩瀬りさ, 猪越正直, 宇尾基弘, 和田敬広, 金澤 学. 日本歯科理工学会関東地方会研究奨励賞 サンドブラスト処理圧が切削加工可能な完全焼結ジルコニアの表面粗さに与える影響
- 2024/06 - the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics Wang B, Inokoshi M, Katagiri S, Ohsugi Y, Lin P, Nakai H, Iwata T, Minakuchi S, Kanazawa M. Poster Competition Awards (1st Prize)
- 2023/10 - Andaman Dental Congress Onuma H, Inokoshi M, Minakuchi S. Andaman Dental Congress 2023 Poster Presentation Winner (1st Prize)
- 2023/08 - 日本歯科理工学会 Wang B, Inokoshi M, Liu H, Minakuchi S. 日本歯科理工学会関東地方会研究奨励賞 Influence of surface treatments on the low-temperature degradation behavior of speed-sintered zirconia
- 2023/08 - 日本歯科理工学会 片田治子,猪越正直,劉 恒毅,水口俊介.日本歯科理工学会関東地方会研究奨励賞 ステイン用陶材の焼成条件が高透光性ジルコニアの透光性と結晶構造に与える影響
- 2023/04 - The Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices Inokoshi M. Science Award of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices
- 2020/04 - 日本歯科理工学会 山本真央, 猪越正直, 清水畑誠, 野崎浩佑, 高垣智博, 吉原久美子, 水口俊介. クラレノリタケデンタル株式会社賞 抗菌材料含有根面う蝕修復材料の機械的強度
- 2020/03 - Tokyo Medical and Dental University Inokoshi M. Incentive Research Award
- 2015/03 - Inokoshi Masanao. Representative at Hatton Award competition for CED-IADR
- 2014/09 - Continental European Division of the IADR (CED-IADR) Senior Robert Frank Award 1st prize Microstructural and micro-Raman analysis of the zirconia-veneering ceramic interface
- 2014 - The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Hickey Scientific Writing Award in the Research Category Face simulation system for complete dentures by applying rapid prototyping
- 2009/11 - Japan Prosthodontic Society, Tokyo Branch Outstanding Presentation Award Fabricating Complete Dentures Using CAD/CAM Systems Part 2 The Trial Dentures Applying Rapid Prototyping
- 2006/03 - Tokyo Medical and Dental University Nagao Award
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Japanese Society for Biomaterials
, The Stomatological Society, Japan
, The Ceramic Society of Japan
, International College of Prosthodontists
, 日本有病者歯科医療学会
, Japanese Society of Gerodontology
, Japan Society for Adhesive Dentistry
, The Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry
, 日本歯科理工学会
, The American Ceramic Society
, Japan Academy of Digital Dentistry
, The International Association for Dental Research
, Japan Prosthodontic Society