2017 - 2020 Simulation of the loss of forearm rotation due to malunion of a distal radius fracture
2020 - 2020 外側摺動案内チューブを備えた巻きフィルム式SMA 人工筋ロボッ トハンド
2015 - 2019 ユーグレナ運動による全弾性体型マイクロマシンの開発
2018 - 2019 関節の安全性及び指尖部感覚器を考慮した良好な指運動支援システム
2016 - 2017 腹腔鏡手術支援のための内視鏡用屈曲マニピュレータの開発
2014 - 2016 Study on asymmetric nature of thumbnail strain when grasping an object
2012 - 2013 脳活性化のための指リハビリ運動訓練装置の開発
2007 - 2008 可変有効長さバネを備えたフィンによる流体内推進機構の開発
2007 - 2008 実時間可変剛性フィンによる流体内推進機構の開発
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Papers (46):
Masataka NAKABAYASHI, Moe ISHIBASHI, Ayana MIKUNI, Yuhi TAMURA, Ryosuke HATTORI, Satoshi SHIMAWAKI. Proposal of a basic structure for deformation mechanisms using polytetrafluoroethylene porous fiber sheets inspired by Euglena's pellicular complexes. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering. 2025
Masataka Nakabayashi, Yuta Tsukada, Hiroaki Fukui, Kazuhiro Endo. Analysis of Operator's Muscle Fatigue Using Time-Frequency Analysis During Suture Ligation Training. Current Problems in Surgery. 2023. 60. 11. 1-12
NAKABAYASHI Masataka, YAMAMOTO Fuyuki, SAKAI Naotaka, SHIMAWAKI Satoshi. 1P1-F06 Development of flexible manipulator for surgical robot. 2015. 2015. "1P1-F06(1)"-"1P1-F06(4)"
YOSHIDA Kazuki, SHIMAWAKI Satoshi, SAKAI Naotaka, NAKABAYASHI Masataka. 10415 Influence of knee flexion angle on cuff pressure fluctuations and the artery velocity at the lower link in sitting position. 2015. 2015. 21. "10415-1"-"10415-2"
Yusa Kazuma, Shimawaki Satoshi, Sakai Naotaka, Nakabayashi Masataka. 10414 The effect of measurement position on Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index. 2015. 2015. 21. "10414-1"-"10414-2"
SHIMAWAKI Satoshi, KONNO Yasumasa, NAKABAYASHI Masataka, SAKAI Naotaka. 1G14 Thumbnail strain during grasping an object. 2015. 2015. 27. 265-266
YAMAMOTO Fuyuki, ISHIDUKA Syota, NAKABAYASHI Masataka, SAKAI Naotaka, SHIMAWAKI Satoshi. 3P1-F03 Research on vision, operation speed and force feedback in surgical robot operation(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (2)). 2014. 2014. "3P1-F03(1)"-"3P1-F03(4)"
Evaluation of joint torque characteristics of finger movement assist mechanism using composite bundle elastic cable
(2021 General Incorporated Association Japan Ergonomics Society Kanto Branch 51st Conference 2021)
2022/03 - Best Presentation Award Evaluation of Joint Torque Characteristics of Assist Mechanism for Finger Motion Using a Multi-layered Arrangement of Composite Bundle Elastic Cables
2008/02 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics Best Poster Award A Novel Propulsion Mechanism Using a Fin with a Variable-Effective-Length Spring