J-GLOBAL ID:201801005588191532
Update date: Mar. 02, 2025 Matsunaga Hitomi
Matsunaga Hitomi
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Social psychology
, Gerontological and community health nursing
Research keywords (5):
, trajectory equifinality approach
, Modified grounded theory approach
, Disaster prepeardness
, Nuclear Dsaster
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): Papers (66): -
Mengjie Liu, Hitomi Matsunaga, Makiko Orita, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Xu Xiao, Noboru Takamura. Residents of the towns in which the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station is located express more worries about reputational damage than about the discharge of treated water itself. Journal of radiation research. 2025
Mengjie Liu, Hitomi Matsunaga, Makiko Orita, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Xu Xiao, Noboru Takamura. Comparative analysis of public concerns regarding treated water discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: perspectives before and after the initial release. Journal of radiation research. 2025. 66. 1. 103-105
Hitomi Matsunaga, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Makiko Orita, Xu Xiao, Noboru Takamura. The Relationship Between Years of Service and Traumatic Experiences Related to Radiation Among Local Government Staff Working Within 30 km of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Journal of Disaster Research. 2024. 19. 5. 829-835
Aizhan Zabirova, Hitomi Matsunaga, Makiko Orita, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Xu Xiao, Thierry Schneider, Noboru Takamura. Impact of the discharge of treated water on residents’ intention to return to areas near the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station a decade after the accident. Radioprotection. 2024
Xu Xiao, Makiko Orita, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Hitomi Matsunaga, Thu Zar Win, Jacques Lochard, Noboru Takamura. Risk perception in long-term evacuees of Futaba town, Fukushima: a cross-sectional study reveals greater concerns outside the prefecture, 12 years after the accident. Journal of radiation research. 2024. 65. 4. 549-554
more... MISC (17): -
新地浩一, 柴山薫, 松永妃都美, 石橋秋奈, 野中良恵, 南嶋里佳, 田中沙恵, 福山由美. Introduction of the disaster nursing education with Civilian-Military Collaboration in Postgraduate Course in Saga University, Japan. Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine (Web). 2024. 28. Supplement
松永妃都美, 新地浩一. Assessment of risk perception of radiation and related health effects in parents who living around the restarted nuclear power plant. Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine (Web). 2024. 28. Supplement
松永 妃都美, 肖 旭, Versha Hande, 折田 真紀子, 柏崎 佑哉, 平良 文亨, 高村 昇. 福島第一原子力発電所事故による避難継続者の訪問頻度と関連する要因. 日本衛生学雑誌. 2023. 78. Suppl. S178-S178
肖 旭, 松永 妃都美, 折田 真紀子, 柏崎 祐哉, 平良 文亨, Thu Za rWin, Lochard Jacques, 高村 昇. FDNPPから20KM圈内の富岡町帰還・避難民の放射線リスク認識と処理水への関心度評価(Assessment of the radiation risk perceptions and interest in tritium water among the returnee and evacuee in Tomioka Town within 20km from the FDNPP). 日本衛生学雑誌. 2023. 78. Suppl. S178-S178
肖旭, 松永妃都美, 折田真紀子, 柏崎祐哉, 平良文亨, WIN Thu Zar, LOCHARD Jacques, 高村昇. Assessment of the radiation risk perceptions and interest in tritium water among the returnee and evacuee in Tomioka Town within 20 km from the FDNPP. 日本衛生学雑誌(Web). 2023. 78. Supplement
more... Books (1): - カタログTEA 複線経路等至性アプローチ
新曜社 2023
Lectures and oral presentations (60): -
(日本都市学会 2024)
Comparison of risk perception about radiation exposure regarding the Fukushima accident
((SSH)Social Sciences and Humanities in the Management of the Recovery Process after the Fukushima Accident Workshop 2024)
(第2回東日本大震災・原子力災害学術研究集会 2024)
福島第一原発立地町の大熊町、隣町の 富岡町の帰還意向に関連する要因の検討
(第94回日本衛生学会学術総会 2024)
稼働する原子力発電所周辺に居住する保護者の 原子力事故と健康関連リスク認知の評価
(第29回日本災害医学会総会・学術集会 2024)
more... Education (3): - 2016 - 2020 Nagasaki University
- 2008 - 2011 Saga University
- 2006 - 2008 佐賀大学 医学部看護学科
Professional career (3): - 医学博士 (長崎大学)
- 看護学修士 (佐賀大学)
- 看護学学士 (佐賀大学)
Work history (4): - 2024/07 - 現在 長崎大学原爆後障害医療研究所 国際保健医療福祉学研究分野(原研国際) 准教授
- 2020/04 - 2024/06 長崎大学原爆後障害医療研究所 国際保健医療福祉学研究分野(原研国際) 助教
- 2014/04 - 2022/03 佐賀大学医学部 非常勤講師
- 2011/04 - 2022/03 Saga University Faculty of Medicine
Committee career (1): Awards (9): - 2024/12 - 長崎大学 未来に羽ばたく女性研究者賞
- 2023/11 - インパクト論文賞 Risk perception regarding a nuclear accident and common factors related to health among guardians residing near a restarted nuclear power plant in Japan after the Fukushima accident
- 2021/11 - Asian Society of Human Services Excellence award Risk Perception of the Pre-distribution of Stable Iodine to Guardians of Children Living around the Nuclear Power Plant in Operation, Japan
- 2020/08 - the Excellence Monograph Award from the Japanese Society of Community Nursing in 2019
- 2019/02 - 第89回日本公衆衛生学会 若手優秀演題賞 福島県富岡町住民の性別、年齢における帰還企図、放射線リスク認知の検討
- 2019/01 - Intention to Return and Radiation Risk Perception of Residents in Tomioka Town, Fukushima Prefecture Stratified by Sex and Age
- 2017/09 - Asian Society of Human Services Congress in Busan 2017, Best Paper Award, Disaster Prevention Measures in Mothers Who Experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake.
- 2013/03 - The 5th Disaster Prevention Strategies Annual Scientific Meeting, Best Poster Presentation Award, The change of residence and difficulty by the earthquake disaster- Literature research of earthquake experiences parents with children -
- 2011/03 - 第29回日本国際保健医療学会 優秀演題賞 看護教員の災害看護学の教育における技術演習への認識
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本災害医学会
, 日本放射線看護学会
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