Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2013 - 2016 Characterization of noncrystalline regions in regioselectively methylated cellulose films by vapor-phase deuteration and infrared spectroscopy
2012 - 2015 Production of Bio-levulinate from Cellulosic Biomass as a Liquid Fuel
2002 - 2004 セルロースの分子配向を利用した生分解性光デバイスの創製
Papers (13):
Tomoko Shimokawa, Yukako Hishikawa, Eiji Togawa, Hajime Shibuya, Masahiko Kobayashi, Atsuko Ishikawa, Xin He, Hironari Ohki, Kengo Magara. The effects of cellulose nanofibers compounded in water-based undercoat paint on the discoloration and deterioration of painted wood products. Journal of Wood Science. 2021. 67:74. 1
Hishikawa, Yukako, Kondo, Tetsuo. Analyses on hydrogen bonding in noncrystalline regions of regioselectively methylated cellulose films by a combination of vapor-phase deuteration and generalized two-dimensional correlation IR spectroscopy. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2016. 251
SHIMOKAWA Tomoko, IKEDA Tsutomu, MAGARA Kengo, OTSUKA Yuichiro, NAKAMURA Masaya, TOGAWA Eiji, HISHIKAWA Yukako, HAYASHI Noriko, OGAWA Mutsumi, YAKAO Tetsuya, et al. P-41 Cellulose nano-fiber production using enzymatic reaction with bead mill from bamboo pulp. Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science. 2016. 11. 131-132
Hishikawa, Yukako, Kondo, Tetsuo. Characterization of noncrystalline regions in regioselectively methylated cellulosic films using vapor-phase deuteration and generalized 2D correlation infrared spectroscopy. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2015. 249
Yukako Hishikawa, Mami Yamaguchi, Satoshi Kubo, Tatsuhiko Yamada. Preparation of butyl levulinate through the acid catalysed alcoholysis of cellulosic biomass using a single reaction process. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2014. 247
YAMADA Tatsuhiko, HISHIKAWA Yukako, KUBO Satoshi, YAMAGUCHI Mami. Direct Preparation of Bio-Levulinates by Acid Catalyzed Solvolysis of Papermaking Sludge. 2012. 66. 11. 1198-1200
Wakako Kasai, Masanobu Nojiri, Yukako Hishikawa, Eiji Togawa, Dwight Romanovicz, R. Malcolm Brown, Tetsuo Kondo. CELL 109-Regulated movements and cellulose nanofiber deposition of Acetobacter Xylinum on polysaccharide templates as a scaffold. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2008. 235
Tetsuo Kondo, Wakako Kasai, Masanobu Nojiri, Yukako Hishikawa, Eiji Togawa, Dwight Romanovicz, R. Malcolm Brown. CELL 130-Patterning in movements and deposition of the secreted cellulose nanofiber of Acetobacter xylinum directed by an interfacial interaction on ordered chitin templates. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2008. 235
Yukako Hishikawa, Tetsuo Kondo. CELL 83-Characterization of the noncrystalline regions in the coagulated cellulose film using vapor-phase deuteration and generalized 2-D correlation infrared spectroscopy. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2007. 233. 776-776
Characterization of hydrogen bonds in cellulose II crystals using polarized FTIR accompanied with vapor-phase deuteration
(The 4th International Cellulose Conference 2017)
Analyses on hydrogen bonding in noncrystalline regions of regioselectively methylated cellulose films by a combination of vapor-phase deuteration and generalized two-dimensional correlation IR spectroscopy
(251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition 2016)
Preparation of butyl levulinate of cellulose using a single reaction process
(2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2015)
Characterization of noncrystalline regions of cellulose derivatives using vapor-phase deuteration and generalized 2D correlation infrared spectroscopy
(247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition 2014)