J-GLOBAL ID:201801006655174814
Update date: Mar. 01, 2021 Miles Richard
Miles Richard
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
English linguistics
Research keywords (4):
Teacher training
, Second language acquisition
, English education
, Oral presentations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2020 - 2024 Examining the Academic Impact of an Active Learning-Based Study-Abroad Program
- 2015 - 2019 Providing pedagogical support for English teachers in Japan
Papers (13): -
Richard Miles. Perspectives on the experience of participating in English language presentation contests. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Future Teaching and Education. 2020. 1-12
Richard Miles. Exploring persuasive techniques used by Japanese university students in English oral presentations. Macquarie University. 2020
Richard Miles. Front-loading and back-loading arguments in oral presentations. Academia: Journal of the Nanzan Academic Society. 2020. 107. 275-285
Richard Miles, Brad Deacon. University students want more interactive lectures. Diversity and Inclusion. 2019. 129-135
Richard Miles. A systematic approach to oral presentation assessment. Between the Keys. 2018. 25. 2. 17-23
more... Lectures and oral presentations (15): -
Perspectives on the experience of participating in English language presentation contests
(3rd International Conference on Future Teaching and Education 2020)
Revealing the key message in an English presentation: A study of successful Japanese contest speakers
(The 15th Annual Education and Development Conference (Bali, Indonesia) 2020)
Front-loading and back-loading arguments in oral presentations
(3rd International Conference on Social Issues and Education (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam) 2019)
Student perspectives on Japanese university lectures
(The 11th International Conference on Education, Teaching, Learning & Technology (Vienna, Austria) 2019)
Reflecting on the evolution of a series of teacher-training workshops
(The 11th International Conference on Education, Teaching, Learning & Technology (Vienna, Austria) 2019)
more... Education (1): - 2011 - 2020 Macquarie University Applied Linguistics
Professional career (1): - PhD (Macquarie University)
Work history (1): - Nanzan University Faculty of Global Liberal Studies Associate Professor
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