J-GLOBAL ID:201801006734365390
Update date: Oct. 10, 2024 Shoji Akiko
ショウジ アキコ | Shoji Akiko
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
Ecology and environmental science
, Aquaculture
, Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
Research keywords (5):
, biologging
, life history
, ornithology
, behavioural ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 2019 - 2023 海鳥類を新たな汚染トレーサーとした環境モニタリング手法の開発
- 2022 - 2023 Establishing migratory strategy in sympatric Charadriiforms
- 2020 - 2023 海鳥類の繁殖成績を決定する内的要因と人間活動の影響を評価する包括的モデルの開発
- 2019 - 2022 海鳥類における個体群間・種間比較に基づく汚染物質輸送の実態解明
- 2021 - 2022 HMM and Bayesian method for studying animal behaviour
- 2017 - 2020 長距離移動する海鳥を汚染トレーサーとした物質輸送の解明
- 2016 - 2019 海鳥による物質輸送の環境応答メカニズムと生態系波及効果の解明
- 2017 - 2018 Research Grant
- 2017 - 2018 Research Grant
- 2017 - 2018 長距離移動する海鳥を汚染トレーサーとする物質輸送の解明
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Papers (49): -
Chinatsu Nakajima, Yuki Tsukagoshi, Jumpei Okado, Bungo Nishizawa, Wataru Mukaimine, Akiko Shoji. Estimation of flight-feather moulting periods of Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata and Tufted Puffins Fratercula cirrhata using web images. Japanese Journal of Ornithology. 2024. 73. 1. 45-55
Marcouillier, Leo, Miranda, Eliane, Whelan, Shannon, Fifield, Dave, Hatch, Sco, Shoji, Akiko, Nakajima, Chinatsu, Elliott, Kyle. PIT tagging does not measurably reduce reproductive success in sensitive burrow-nesting seabirds. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 2024. 171. 77
Fayet, Annette, Shoji, Akiko, Guilford, Tim. Post-fledging movements of Atlantic Puffins from Skomer Island. Seabird. 2024
Cleasby, Ian R, Owen, Ellie, Butler, Adam, Baer, Julia, Blackburn, Jez, Bogdanova, Maria I, Coledale, Tessa, Daunt, Francis, Dodd, Stephen, et al. Assessing the importance of individual- and colony-level variation when using seabird foraging ranges as impact assessment and conservation tools. IBIS. 2023. Epub
Sozzoni, Marcella, Obiol, Joan Ferrr, Formenti, Giulio, Tigano, Anna, Paris, Josephine R, Balacco, Jennifer R, Jain, Nivesh, Tilley, Tatiana, Collins, Joanna, Sims, Ying, et al. A Chromosome-Level Reference Genome for the Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a Declining Circumpolar Seabird. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2023. 15. 8
more... MISC (6): -
バイオロギング 鳥の背から見える景色 #20「マンクスミズナギドリが降る島で」. 2019
- 大門純平, 庄子晶子, 伊藤元裕, 綿貫豊. 北海道天売島で繁殖するウトウの採餌場所. 日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集. 2019. 2019
- 庄子晶子, ELLIOTT K, ARIS-BROSOU S, 水川葉月, 中山翔太, 池中良徳, 石塚真由美, 桑江朝比呂, 渡辺謙太, 綿貫豊. 海鳥の越冬期の行動が繁殖地への汚染物質輸送に与える影響. 日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集. 2018. 2018. 97
大門純平, 伊藤元裕, 長谷部真, 庄子晶子, 林はるか, 佐藤信彦, 越野陽介, 島袋羽衣, 高橋晃周, 渡辺謙太, et al. 地域的な餌魚の利用可能性と海鳥雛の肥満度. 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集. 2018. 2018
大門純平, 伊藤元裕, 長谷部真, 庄子晶子, 林はるか, 佐藤信彦, 越野陽介, 島袋羽衣, 高橋晃周, 渡辺謙太, et al. 北海道対馬暖流域の3つのウトウ繁殖地における餌の利用可能性と雛の肥満度の関係. 日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集. 2018. 2018
more... Books (1): - Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus)
Cornel University 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (22): -
Ecological conditions experienced during reproduction do not affect individual differences in migratory behaviour in a long-lived bird
(European Ornithologists' Union Congress)
To migrate or not to migrate: characterising the interplay between genetic and environmental drivers of bird migration
(Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution)
more... Work history (3): - 2024/04 - 現在 Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies
- 2019/04 - 2024/03 University of Tsukuba Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
- 2016/04 - 2019/03 Hokkaido University Faculty of Fisheries Sciences Division of Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science
Awards (2): - 2017/07 - 株式会社 資生堂 資生堂女性研究者サイエンスグラント
- 2014/03 - Merton College, Oxford University The Ripplewood Fund Award
Association Membership(s) (4):
World Seabird Union
, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
, Pacific Seabird Group
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