J-GLOBAL ID:201801006810251111
Update date: Dec. 09, 2024 KINDAICHI Sayaka
キンダイチ サヤカ | KINDAICHI Sayaka
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Construction environment and equipment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (58): -
Toya Tanaka, Sayaka Kindaichi, Keita Kawasaki, Daisaku Nishina. Energy-Saving Effects of the Intermittent Control of Pumps in Ground Source Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems with a Buffer Water Tank. Energies. 2024. 17. 22. 5564-5564
- Sayaka Kindaichi, Keigo Takehara, Daisaku Nishina. Applicability of entrainment law to heat release processes in reservoir-source heat pump systems. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021. 185. 116428-116428
Hou, N., Nishina, D., Sugita, S., Jiang, R., Oishi, H., Kindaichi, S., Shimizu, A. A study on possibility of using VR space in design education part 1: Verification of VR space effectiveness by learning experiment of scale feeling,設計教育における VR 空間の活用可能性に関する研究 その1:スケール感の学習実験による VR 空間の有効性検証. Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan). 2021. 86. 785
Kiyotani, T., Nishina, D., Lu, W., Jiang, R., Jin, H., Kindaichi, S., Liu, N., Chen, M. A Study on the Effects of Providing Detailed Information on Perceptions and Evaluations in Tourist Spots-Comparison between Japanese and Chinese subjects. Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan). 2021. 86. 786
Wang, X., Nishina, D., Jiang, R., Liu, N., Kindaichi, S., Mizuta, S. The influence of townscape-improvement on the psychological evaluation in Saijo Sakagura area. Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan). 2021. 86. 781
more... MISC (134): -
松崎 浩典, 金田一 清香, 西名 大作, 河﨑 啓太, 椿 涼太. 貯留水の熱的利用可能性に関する研究(その11)CFD解析による受熱特性の考察-Study on the Potential of Reservoirs as a Heat Source for Air Conditioning(Part 11)Heat gain characteristics by CFD analyses. 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 = Proceedings of annual research meeting, Chugoku Chapter, Architecturel Institute of Japan (AIJ) / 日本建築学会中国支部 編. 2019. 42. 403-406
河﨑 啓太, 金田一 清香, 西名 大作, 松崎 浩典, 椿 涼太. 貯留水の熱的利用可能性に関する研究(その12)受熱量比を用いた新たな熱源温度予測モデルの作成-Study on the Potential of Reservoirs as a Heat Source for Air Conditioning(Part 12)Proposal of novel model of heat source temperature using Thermal Distribution Rate. 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 = Proceedings of annual research meeting, Chugoku Chapter, Architecturel Institute of Japan (AIJ) / 日本建築学会中国支部 編. 2019. 42. 407-410
河﨑 啓太, 金田一 清香, 西名 大作, 村上 季実子, 北野 博亮, 岩田 剛, 椿 涼太. 貯留水の熱的利用可能性に関する研究(その10)実験値を用いた自然対流モデルの改良-Study on the Potential of Reservoirs as a Heat Source for Air Conditioning(Part 10)Improvement of a natural convection model using experimental values. 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 = Proceedings of annual research meeting, Chugoku Chapter, Architecturel Institute of Japan (AIJ) / 日本建築学会中国支部 編. 2018. 41. 429-432
村上 季実子, 金田一 清香, 西名 大作, 河﨑 啓太, 北野 博亮, 岩田 剛, 椿 涼太. 貯留水の熱的利用可能性に関する研究(その9)大型水槽を用いた放熱実験による自然対流の挙動の確認-Study on the Potential of Reservoirs as a Heat Source for Air Conditioning(Part 9)Confirmation of the behavior of natural convection observed in heat charge experiment using large tank. 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 = Proceedings of annual research meeting, Chugoku Chapter, Architecturel Institute of Japan (AIJ) / 日本建築学会中国支部 編. 2018. 41. 425-428
A study on the heating and cooling system of houses with high thermal insulation and high airtightness in temperate regions(Part2)Measurement of indoor thermal environment in summer. 2017. 40. 447-450
more... Lectures and oral presentations (71): -
Study on the Energy Consumption of the Electrified Housing in Hiroshima City(Part 19)Day variation of the hot-water supply systems
(Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016)
A Study on Energy-Saving of Heat Source Systems in Existing Complex Facility
(Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016)
Study on Energy-Saving Effect by Introduction of BEMS in a Rehabilitation Center(Part 3)Energy-Saving in Winter and Simulation throughout a year
(Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016)
A study on the heating and cooling system of houses with high thermal insulation and high airtightness in temperate regions(Part 1) Heat load simulation based on results of interview survey
(Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016)
Performance Evaluation of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems in the Temperate Area
(Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016)
more... Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
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