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J-GLOBAL ID:201801008189231740   Update date: Feb. 10, 2025

Koh Katsuyoshi

Koh Katsuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Hematology and oncology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2002 - 2004 Molecular and epidemiologic analysis of the development of infant leukemia
Papers (341):
  • Itaru Kato, Daisuke Tomizawa, Motohiro Kato, Shinsuke Hirabayashi, Atsushi Manabe, Masahiro Irie, Yoji Sasahara, Yuki Arakawa, Katsuyoshi Koh, Hirotoshi Sakaguchi, et al. Real-world outcomes of commercial tisagenlecleucel for children, adolescents, and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Japan. Transplantation and cellular therapy. 2024
  • Motohiro Kato, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Toshihiko Imamura, Akiko Kada, Akiko M Saito, Yuka Iijima-Yamashita, Takao Deguchi, Kentaro Ohki, Takashi Fukushima, Kenichi Anami, et al. JCCG ALL-B12: Evaluation of Intensified Therapies With Vincristine/Dexamethasone Pulses and Asparaginase and Augmented High-Dose Methotrexate for Pediatric B-ALL. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2024. JCO2400811
  • Junko Yamanaka, Chitose Ogawa, Ayumu Arakawa, Takao Deguchi, Toshinori Hori, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hideaki Ueki, Masanori Nishi, Shinji Mochizuki, Takuro Nishikawa, et al. Outcomes in children with first-relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Japan: Results from JCCG Study JPLSG-ALL-R08. Pediatric blood & cancer. 2024. e31319
  • Hirotoshi Sakaguchi, Takashi Taga, Hisashi Ishida, Asahito Hama, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Hideki Sano, Maho Sato, Yuhki Koga, Katsuyoshi Koh, Fuminori Iwasaki, et al. Salvage hematopoietic cell transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia relapsed after first transplantation: a Japanese national registry study. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2024
  • Hisashi Ishida, Toshihiko Imamura, Ryoji Kobayashi, Yoshiko Hashii, Takao Deguchi, Takako Miyamura, Megumi Oda, Masaki Yamamoto, Keiko Okada, Hideki Sano, et al. Differential impact of asparaginase discontinuation on outcomes of children with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. Cancer Medicine. 2024. 13. 12
MISC (714):
  • 小川千登世, 石原卓, 今井千速, 岡本康裕, 加藤元博, 康勝好, 後藤裕明, 堺田惠美子, 佐藤篤, 下之段秀美, et al. Consensus expert recommendations for optimal asparaginase use of ALL/LBL therapy in Japanese clinical practice. 月刊血液内科. 2024. 88. 4
  • Hiroki Yoshihara, Takako Miyamura, Takao Deguchi, Toshinori Hori, Tomohiko Taki, Kunihiko Moriya, Yuki Arakawa, Mariko Eguchi, Kunihiro Shinoda, Yuhki Koga, et al. IMMUNOPHENOTYPIC AND CHROMOSOMAL CHARACTERIZATION OF KMT2A GERMLINE ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA IN INFANTS. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER. 2022. 69
  • 粟倉 康之, 岩渕 勝好, 関 真美, 渡部 周作, 大畑 志帆, 有我 朋樹, 全国自治体病院協議会臨床指標評価検討委員会作業部会. Quality Scope 医療の質への展望 医療の質の評価・公表等推進事業から見えてきた新型コロナに立ち向かう自治体病院の闘い. 全国自治体病院協議会雑誌. 2022. 61. 7. 1114-1121
  • 大嶋 宏一, 中澤 温子, 康 勝好, Ferrando Adolfo. 再発急性リンパ芽球性白血病に対する薬剤耐性機序解明と新規創薬ターゲットの同定. 臨床薬理の進歩. 2022. 43. 17-24
  • 福岡 講平, 中澤 温子, 市村 香代子, 金村 米博, 市村 幸一, 平戸 純子, 義岡 孝子, 大宅 宗一, 栗原 淳, 康 勝好. 特徴的な分子遺伝学的異常を認めたLarge cell/Anaplastic Medulloblastomaの2症例. Brain Tumor Pathology. 2022. 39. Suppl. 101-101
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