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J-GLOBAL ID:201801008325345461   Update date: Jan. 16, 2025

AGUI Akane

アグイ アカネ | AGUI Akane
Research field  (1): Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Papers (103):
  • Koji Horiba, Takashi Imazono, Hideaki Iwasawa, Kentaro Fujii, Jun Miyawaki, Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Nobuhito Inami, Takeshi Nakatani, Kento Inaba, Akane Agui, et al. Design of nano-ARPES beamline at 3-GeV next-generation synchrotron radiation facility, NanoTerasu. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. 2380. 1. 012034-012034
  • Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Tetsuro Ueno, Hideaki Iwasawa, Jun Miyawaki, Koji Horiba, Kento Inaba, Akane Agui, Nobuhito Inami, Takeshi Nakatani, Takashi Imazono, et al. Design of nano-spintronics beamline at 3-GeV next-generation synchrotron radiation facility, NanoTerasu. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. 2380. 1. 012037-012037
  • Akane Agui, Hiroshi Sakurai, Naruki Tsuji, Haruka Ito, Kiyofumi Nitta. Effect on compton scattering spectra by hermite-gaussian light. Crystals. 2021. 11. 6
  • Akane Agui, akino Harako, Akane Shibayama, Kento Haishi, Naruki Tsuji, Xiaoxi, Liu, Chuang Ma, Hiroshi Sakurai. Temperature dependence of the microscopic magnetization process of Tb12Co88 using magnetic Compton scattering. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2019. 484
  • Akane Agui, Chuang Ma, Xiaoxi Liu, Naruki Tsuji, Misaki Adachi, Akane Shibayama, Kosuke Suzuki, Hiroshi Sakurai. Magnetic Compton profile evaluation of magnetization process of TbxCo100-x films. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS. 2017. 4. 10
MISC (131):
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