J-GLOBAL ID:201801009529726509
Update date: Nov. 21, 2024 Saito Naoki
サイトウ ナオキ | Saito Naoki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Senior Researcher
Research field (4):
Analytical chemistry
, Environmental effects of chemicals
, Biomedical engineering
, Solid earth science
Research keywords (10):
, Quantitative analysis
, 高精度
, 非侵襲
, 環境
, 健康影響
, ヒト脳
, 尿
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2024 - 2027 ヒト尿の標的型定量的NMRメタボロミクスのための軽水消去デュアルパルス照射法の拡張
- 2022 - 2025 Non
Papers (19): -
斎藤直樹. 人間環境の正確な観測に資する定量1H NMR手法の高度化と応用 -標準物質開発のための手法を中心として-. 分析化学. 2025
Naoki Saito. Basic accuracy of a 1D NOESY with presaturation method using standard solutions of amino and maleic acids. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2024. 416. 26. 5721-5731
Sakura Yoshii, Daisuke Nakajima, Naoki Saito, Masanori Terasaki, Satoshi Endo. Triethanolamine-based esterquat in sediments: New analytical method, environmental occurrence, and homologue composition. Chemosphere. 2024. 361. 142495
Miho Kuroe, Taichi Yamazaki, Naoki Saito, Yoshitaka Shimizu, Toshihide Ihara, Masahiko Numata, Nobuyasu Itoh. Development of 3β,4α-dihydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one standard solution for doping analyses. Drug Testing and Analysis. 2024
Naoki Saito. Fresh Dual Presaturation Method for Analyzing H2O-Rich Samples Using Quantitative 1H NMR. Analytical Chemistry. 2023. 95. 20. 7855-7862
more... MISC (4): -
斎藤直樹. 研究内容をかんたんに伝える難しさ. ぶんせき. 2018. 4. 158-158
斎藤直樹. 1H NMR分光法による純度測定の不確かさ評価 ~浮力が分析値へ与える影響の評価~. 産総研不確かさ評価事例集III. 2017. 5-28
斎藤直樹. 定量NMR法の標準化に向けた共同測定(2015). 標準物質協議会会報. 2016. 74. 1-9
Naoki Saito. A survey on quantitative analysis of organic compounds by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. AIST bulletin of metrology. 2014. 9. 1. 117-133
Books (1): - qNMRプライマリーガイド -基礎から実践まで-
共立出版 2015
Lectures and oral presentations (49): -
(第3回環境化学物質合同大会, 広島 2024)
(第3回環境化学物質合同大会, 広島 2024)
Quantification of fabric softener-derived triethanolamine-based esterquat (TEAQ) cationic surfactant in Japanese river sediments
(ACS Spring 2024)
(第58回日本水環境学会年会, 福岡 2024)
(第50回日本脳科学会, 吹田 2023)
more... Education (5): - 2016 - 2019 Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Doctoral Program in Material Chemistry
- 2010 - 2012 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Master's program in Environmental Sciences
- 2009 - 2010 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Master's program in Geoscience
- 2005 - 2009 University of Tsukuba First Cluster of Colleges College of Natural Sciences
- 2002 - 2005 栃木県立足利高等学校
Professional career (1): Work history (5): - 2023/07 - 現在 National Institute for Environmental Studies
- 2021/04 - 2023/06 National Institute for Environmental Studies
- 2020/07 - 2021/03 National Institute for Environmental Studies Center for Environmental Measurement and Analysis, Environmental Imaging and Spectrum Measurement Section Researcher
- 2015/04 - 2020/06 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- 2012/04 - 2015/03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本脳科学会
, 日本定量NMR研究会
, 国際磁気共鳴医学会
, 日本磁気共鳴医学会
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