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J-GLOBAL ID:201801009867552249   Update date: Aug. 17, 2024

Shimizu Ritsuko

シミズ リツコ | Shimizu Ritsuko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.med.tohoku.ac.jp/about/laboratory/080.html
Research field  (1): Hematology and oncology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2019 - 2023 ドライバー変異と協調して白血病発症を修飾する遺伝的素因の探索
  • 1997 - 2000 血球分化の分子機構と臨床的解析
Papers (123):
  • Eiichi N Kodama, Makiko Taira, Hideyasu Kiyomoto, Tomohiro Nakamura, Satoshi Nagaie, Shinichi Kuriyama, Atsushi Hozawa, Junichi Sugawara, Fuji Nagami, Akira Uruno, et al. Urgent Notification Intervention of Home Blood Pressure in Cohort Studies of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. JMA journal. 2024. 7. 3. 342-352
  • Kota Ishizawa, Toru Tamahara, Suguo Suzuki, Yutaka Hatayama, Bin Li, Michiaki Abe, Yuichi Aoki, Ryutaro Arita, Natsumi Saito, Minoru Ohsawa, et al. Sequential Sampling of the Gastrointestinal Tract to Characterize the Entire Digestive Microbiome in Japanese Subjects. Microorganisms. 2024. 12. 7
  • Kelly Ooi Kee Ong, Michelle Meng Huang Mok, Akiko Niibori-Nambu, Linsen Du, Masatoshi Yanagida, Chelsia Qiuxia Wang, Avinash Govind Bahirvani, Desmond Wai Loon Chin, Cai Ping Koh, King Pan Ng, et al. Activation of NOTCH signaling impedes cell proliferation and survival in acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Experimental hematology. 2024. 137. 104255-104255
  • Tomomi Kawana, Hirofumi Imoto, Naoki Tanaka, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Akihiro Yamamura, Fumito Saijo, Masamitsu Maekawa, Toru Tamahara, Ritsuko Shimizu, Kei Nakagawa, et al. The Significance of Bile in the Biliopancreatic Limb on Metabolic Improvement After Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass. Obesity surgery. 2024. 34. 5. 1665-1673
  • Keiko Yamaki, Toru Tamahara, Jumpei Washio, Takuichi Sato, Ritsuko Shimizu, Satoru Yamada. Intracanal microbiome profiles of two apical periodontitis cases in one patient: A comparison with saliva and plaque profiles. Clinical and experimental dental research. 2024. 10. 2. e862
MISC (69):
  • 山本 雅之, 清水 律子. 幹細胞から赤血球への通り道 GATA転写因子群と赤血球分化(GATA transcription factors and erythroid differentiation). 日本血液学会学術集会. 2021. 83回. PSY-3
  • 清水律子. GATA factor-related hematopoietic diseases. 臨床血液. 2020. 61. 9
  • 大里 元美, Ong Kelly Ooi Kee, Mok Michelle Meng Huang, 横溝 智雅, 松村 貴由, 須田 年生, 麻生 範雄, Koeffler Phillip, Tenen Daniel G., 清水 律子, et al. 急性巨核芽球性白血病に対するNOTCH活性化剤による新規治療(Notch activation impedes cell proliferation and survival in acute megakaryoblastic leukemia). 臨床血液. 2018. 59. 9. 1700-1700
  • K. Saito, T. Fujiwara, M. Morita, Y. Okitsu, N. Fukuhara, Y. Onishi, Y. Nakamura, R. Shimizu, H. Harigae. ESTABLISHMENT OF IN VIVO AND IN VITRO MODEL OF X-LINKED SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA. HAEMATOLOGICA. 2017. 102. 241-241
  • 平野 育生, 清水 律子. 巨核球造血の転写制御機構 (特集 巨核球造血と血小板産生の新知見). 血液フロンティア. 2017. 27. 6. 821-826
Books (1):
  • 未来型血液治療学
    中外医学社 2019 ISBN:9784498225183
Lectures and oral presentations  (52):
  • Loss of the Gata1 Gene IE Exon Leads to Variant Transcript Expression and the Production of a GATA1 Protein Lacking the N-terminal Domain.
  • Regulation of Gata1 gene in vivo with the cis-acting functional motifs and GATA factor switching
  • GATA2 in Urogenital development.
  • Hasegawa A, Shimizu R, Yamamoto M.
    (International Symposium on GATA Factors 2010)
  • Roles of GATA1/Rb interaction in control of megakaryocyte proliferation.
    (International Symposium on GATA factors 2010)
Education (1):
  • - 1988 Keio University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (Jichi Medical School)
Work history (7):
  • 2009/04 - 現在 東北大学 教授
  • 1999/04 - 2009/03 筑波大学 講師
  • 2002/09 - 2003/09 ミシガン大学
  • 1998/10 - 1999/03 筑波大学 リサーチアソシエイト
  • 1992/06 - 1998/09 自治医科大学 助手
Show all
Awards (1):
  • 2001/04/20 - 日本血液学会 Young Investigator's Award of the Japanese Society of Hematology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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