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J-GLOBAL ID:201801010497967540   Update date: Aug. 08, 2024

Yamaguchi Satoshi

ヤマグチ サトシ | Yamaguchi Satoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Radiology ,  Quantum beam science
Research keywords  (5): dosimeter ,  radiation detector ,  x-ray ,  radiation physics ,  medical physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2022 - 2025 超高線量率照射(FLASH)に対応した放射線治療用小型線量率計開発
  • 2017 - 2020 放射線治療用小型皮膚線量計の開発
  • 2011 - 2013 Three-dimensional summation of rectal doses in seed implant brachytherapy combined with external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer
Papers (45):
  • Satoshi Yamaguchi, Hisanori Ariga, Kunihiro Yoshioka. Development of a dose-rate dosimeter using a silicon photodiode for a medical linear accelerator in a 10 MV flattening filter-free mode. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2024
  • Satoshi Yamaguchi, Yoshiro Ieko, Hisanori Ariga, Kunihiro Yoshioka. Electron beam detection in radiotherapy using a capacitor dosimeter equipped with a silicon photodiode. Medical & biological engineering & computing. 2023. 61. 8. 2197-2205
  • Satoshi Yamaguchi, Yoshiro Ieko, Hisanori Ariga, Kunihiro Yoshioka. Characterization of an under-development capacitor dosimeter equipped with a silicon x-ray diode. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021. 92. 12. 123101-123101
  • Satoshi Yamaguchi, Eiichi Sato, Yoshiro Ieko, Hisanori Ariga, Kunihiro Yoshioka. Development of a dose-rate dosimeter for x-ray CT scanner using silicon x-ray diode. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021. 92. 5. 053103-053103
  • Satoshi Yamaguchi, Eiichi Sato, Yoshiro Ieko, Hisanori Ariga, Kunihiro Yoshioka. A capacitor dosimeter with disposable silicon-diode substrates for 4-MV X-ray beam detection in radiation therapy. Physics Open. 2020. 100026-100026
MISC (10):
  • M. Ishikawa, S. Tanabe, S. Yamaguchi, N. Ukon, T. Yamanaka, K. Sutherland, N. Miyamoto, R. Suzuki, N. Katoh, K. Yasuda, et al. SU-E-J-57: A Feasibility Study On Molecular-Imaging-Based Real-Time Tumor Tracking for Gated Radiotherapy. Medical Physics. 2013. 40. 6. 162
  • 右近直之, 棚邊哲史, 棚邊哲史, 山中琢, 山口哲, SUTHERLAND Kenneth, 鈴木隆介, 宮本直樹, 白土博樹, 石川正純. リアルタイム分子イメージングを用いた治療ビームゲーティングに関する基礎検討. 医学物理 Supplement. 2012. 32. 3
  • S. Tanabe, M. Ishikawa, S. Yamaguchi, G. Bengua, K. Sutherland, R. Suzuki, N. Miyamoto, N. Katoh, R. Onimaru, H. Shirato. Feasibility Study on Molecular-imaging Based Tracking System for Lung Cancer Treatment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS. 2010. 78. 3. S749-S749
  • M. Ishikawa, S. Yamaguchi, S. Tanabe, G. Bengua, K. Sutherland, R. Suzuki, N. Miyamoto, K. Nishijima, N. Katoh, H. Shirato. Conceptual Design of PET-linac System for Molecular-guided Radiotherapy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS. 2010. 78. 3. S674-S674
  • 山口哲, 石川正純, 棚邊哲史, BENGUA Gerard, SUTHERLAND Kenneth, 青山英史, 武島嗣英, 白土博樹. 対向型PET装置を用いた患者位置確認システムの開発-GEANT4基礎シミュレーション-. 医学物理 Supplement. 2009. 29. 3. 174-175
Lectures and oral presentations  (15):
  • 4 MV X-ray detection using a novel condenser dosimeter with disposable silicon-diode substrates in radiation therapy
    (19th International conference on solid state dosimetry 2019)
  • Fundamental study on a condenser dosimeter using a skin-insulated USB-A-mini-substrate with a silicon X-ray diode in radiation therapy
    (Japan Society of Medical Physics 2019)
  • Fundamental study on a disposable condenser dosimeter using a skin-insulated USB-A-substrate with a silicon X-ray diode in radiation therapy
    (Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics & South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics 2013 2018)
  • Development of a condenser dosimeter using a skin-insulated USB-A-substrate with a silicon X-ray diode
    (Japan Society of Medical Physics 2018)
  • Development of a semiconductor dosimeter for radiation therapy using a microminiature substrate
    (Japan Society of Medical Physics 2017)
Education (2):
  • 2007 - 2011 Hokkaido university
  • 1998 - 2000 Muroran Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (北海道大学)
Work history (1):
  • 2011/04 - 現在 Iwate medical university Department of Radiology Assistant Professor
Committee career (2):
  • 2024/04 - 2024/04 The 127th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics Executive Committee Member
  • 2018/09 - 2018/09 第116回日本医学物理学会学術大会 実行委員長
Awards (2):
  • 2015/06 - Image-quality improvement in pileup-less cadmium-telluride X-ray computed tomography using a frequency-voltage converter and its application to iodine imaging Image-quality improvement in pileup-less cadmium-telluride X-ray computed tomography using a frequency-voltage converter and its application to iodine imaging
  • 2014/05 - 日本医学物理学会 英語プレゼンテーション賞 Dark-less high-speed X-ray energy dispersing using a compact YAP(Ce)-photomultiplier detector and its application to gadolinium imaging
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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