Ayako Takao. Woman movement for spreading organic foods in Germany. Women in the movement for food and life, Rural Culture Association Press. 2018
Ayako Takao. Necessity of the human resource in the field of ESD praxis for connecting between the school and the community. Based on the case study of the “ESD-multiplicator” for sustainable pupil’s enterprise at the school in Germany. Learning society for the sustainable community and school. Series of the Handbooks for facilitators connecting community and school, Gakubunsha-Press. 2017
Ayako Takao. Book Review: “Support of the child care after natural disaster. The community development with child participation toward to the reconstruction. Gender Studie. 2017
Ayako Takao. Confrontation to the risk after the accident at the nuclear power plant. Based on the practical learning process to gain the knowledge about the way of protection from radio nuclide. nstitute of Eurasian Studies, Society and Economy in Russia and Eurasia,. 2016. 1004
Ayako Takao. Citizen Learning in the way to the anti-nuclear power plant movement in Germany. From personal Anxiety against radioactivity to reconstruction of the community life. Dynamics of community-based learning for social revitalization. 2015. 295-318
Creative Competencies through ESD. Instruction guideline for the quality development of schools and the capacity building
Akashi Press 2012
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
Competencies for dealing with uncertainness in the risk society
(10th Anniversary of the International Symposium of the Sustainability Weeks, Hokkaido University 2016)
Promoting self-autonomy and independency of people affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Based on the example of citizen participation in Germany
(Round Table at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education (ed.), ESD as a Social and Community Education for building sustainable community 2015)
From Anxiety to Gaining Vision for Future: The connecting point between the German environmental movement and Fukushima
(UN-University and Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, International Symposium „Sustainability and Gender 2014)
Why gender matters in ESD, panel presentation: Empowerment through Community activities and Lifelong-Learning experiences of women’s anti-nuclear movement in Germany and “Oiso-Energy-Shift
(UNESCO WORLD CONFERENCE ON Education for Sustainable Development 2014)
ESD in Germany. From knowledge to behavior based on the praxis in early childhood education
(Center for Climate Change Actions at Saga branch 2010)