Junya Hirai, Satoshi Nagai, Kiyotaka Hidaka. Evaluation of metagenetic community analysis of planktonic copepods using Illumina MiSeq: Comparisons with morphological classification and metagenetic analysis using Roche 454. PLoS ONE. 2017. 12. 7
1995 - 2001 University of Tokyo Ocean Research Institute Plankton Laboratory
Work history (2):
2001/04 - 現在 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency Rsearch Center for Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Ecosystem senior researcher
1995/04 - 2001/03 Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Plankton Laboratory Doctoral Course Student
Awards (1):
2017/03 - The Plankton Society of Japan Best Paper Award Occurrence of the Paracalanus parvus species complex in offshore waters south of Japan and their genetic and morphological identification to species