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J-GLOBAL ID:201801012061381461   Update date: Feb. 07, 2025

Yamada Hidetaka

ヤマダ ヒデタカ | Yamada Hidetaka
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 助教
Research field  (2): Tumor biology ,  Experimental pathology
Research keywords  (3): 病理診断支援AI ,  germline variant ,  CDH1
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2015 - 2017 Search for novel causative genes of familial and early onset gastric cancer using comprehensive copy number analysis
  • 2009 - 2011 Identification of genetic factors involved in the development of familial gastric cancer in Japanese population
Papers (63):
  • Shunsuke Ohtsuka, Hisami Kato, Rei Ishikawa, Hirofumi Watanabe, Ryosuke Miyazaki, Shin-ya Katsuragi, Katsuhiro Yoshimura, Hidetaka Yamada, Yasuhiro Sakai, Yusuke Inoue, et al. STIL Overexpression Is Associated with Chromosomal Numerical Abnormalities in Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Through Centrosome Amplification. Current Oncology. 2024. 31. 12. 7936-7949
  • Augustin Nzitakera, Delphine Uwamariya, Hisami Kato, Jean Bosco Surwumwe, André Mbonigaba, Ella Larissa Ndoricyimpaye, Schifra Uwamungu, Felix Manirakiza, Marie Claire Ndayisaba, Gervais Ntakirutimana, et al. TP53 mutation status and consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer in patients from Rwanda. BMC Cancer. 2024. 24. 1
  • Augustin Nzitakera, Jean Bosco Surwumwe, Ella Larissa Ndoricyimpaye, Schifra Uwamungu, Delphine Uwamariya, Felix Manirakiza, Marie Claire Ndayisaba, Gervais Ntakirutimana, Benoit Seminega, Vincent Dusabejambo, et al. Correction: The spectrum of TP53 mutations in Rwandan patients with gastric cancer. Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society. 2024. 46. 1. 9-9
  • Augustin Nzitakera, Jean Bosco Surwumwe, Ella Larissa Ndoricyimpaye, Schifra Uwamungu, Delphine Uwamariya, Felix Manirakiza, Marie Claire Ndayisaba, Gervais Ntakirutimana, Benoit Seminega, Vincent Dusabejambo, et al. The spectrum of TP53 mutations in Rwandan patients with gastric cancer. Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society. 2024. 46. 1. 8-8
  • De Hu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsuhiro Yoshimura, Tsutomu Ohta, Kazuo Tsuchiya, Yusuke Inoue, Kazuhito Funai, Takafumi Suda, Yuji Iwashita, Takuya Watanabe, et al. High Expression of Fas-Associated Factor 1 Indicates a Poor Prognosis in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.). 2023. 30. 11. 9484-9500
MISC (79):
  • 山田 英孝, 胡 徳, 吉村 克洋, 太田 力, 井上 裕介, 船井 和仁, 渡邊 拓弥, 小川 博, 椙村 春彦, 新村 和也. FAF1の高発現は非小細胞肺癌の予後不良を示す(High expression of FAF1 indicates a poor prognosis in non-small-cell lung cancer). 日本病理学会会誌. 2024. 113. 1. 369-369
  • 栗原 一蕗, 山田 英孝, 古庄 知己, 田村 和朗, 菅野 康吉, 吉田 輝彦, 檜井 孝夫, 櫻井 晃洋, 椙村 春彦, 新村 和也. 遺伝性びまん性胃癌で認められた生殖細胞系列CDH1バリアントのスプライス異常の解析(Analysis of splicing alterations for germline CDH1 variants in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer). 日本病理学会会誌. 2024. 113. 1. 470-470
  • 小島梨紗, 山田英孝, 大澤春萌, 椙村春彦, 新村和也, 岩泉守哉. CDH1遺伝学的検査を行った11家系の検討. 日本遺伝性腫瘍学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2024. 30th
  • ンジタケーラ オギシテ, マニラキザ フェリックス, 石川励, 夏目宏子, 岩下雄二, 山田英孝, 椙村春彦, 新村和也. TP53 mutation spectrum of Rwandan gastric cancer differ from the one of Japan, China and Eastern Europe. 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2023. 82nd
  • 草深 公秀, 中谷 英仁, 山田 英孝, 石野 佳子, 馬場 聡, 新井 義文, 山根木 康嗣, 大内 知之, 立花 由梨, 福岡 順也, et al. ラブドイド様唾液腺導管癌 新しい疾患概念の提唱とその予後. 日本唾液腺学会誌. 2022. 62. 40-40
Education (2):
  • 2004 - 2008 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Medical Sciences Graduate School
  • 2000 - 2002 Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School of Science and Technology
Work history (2):
  • 2018/11 - 現在 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
  • 2008/04 - 2018/10 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本病理学会 ,  日本がん疫学・分子疫学研究会 ,  日本癌学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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