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J-GLOBAL ID:201801012753751935   Update date: Nov. 14, 2024


Research field  (1): Particle, nuclear, cosmic-ray, and astrophysics - experiment
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2015 - 2017 High radiation tolerant detector development enabled by the combination of polycrystalline diamond and diamond FET
Papers (34):
  • Yuki Fujii, Masaki Miyataki, MyeongJae Lee, Yu Nakazawa, Liam Pinchbeck, Kazuki Ueno, Hisataka Yoshida. Online Machine-Learning-Based Event Selection for COMET Phase-I. NuFACT 2022. 2023
  • Kou Oishi, Yuki Fujii, Yoshinori Fukao, Yuya Higuchi, Ryotaro Honda, Youichi Igarashi, Fumihito Ikeda, Yu Nakazawa, Hajime Nishiguchi, Kyohei Noguchi, et al. Detector Systems Development for Inter-Bunch Extinction Measurements at the 8 GeV Slow Extracted Pulsed Proton Beam for the COMET Experiment at J-PARC. Proceedings of The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators - PoS(NuFact2021). 2022
  • Noguchi Kyohei, Yuki Fujii, Yoshinori Fukao, Yoshinori Hashimoto, Yuya Higuchi, Ryotaro Honda, Yoichi Igarashi, Fumihito Ikeda, Satoshi Mihara, Ryotaro Muto, et al. Extinction Measurement at J-PARC MR with Slow-Extracted Pulsed Proton Beam for COMET Experiment. Proceedings of Science. 2022. 402
  • Eitaro Hamada, Yuki Fujii, Youichi Igarashi, Masahiro Ikeno, Satoshi Mihara, Hajime Nishiguchi, Kou Oishi, Tomohisa Uchida, Kazuki Ueno, Hiroshi Yamaguchi. Gigabit Ethernet Daisy Chain on FPGA for COMET Readout Electronics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 2021. 68. 8. 1968-1975
  • Sam Dekkers, Yu Nakazawa, Yuki Fujii, Hisataka Yoshida, Ting Sam Wong, Kazuki Ueno, Jordan Nash. Radiation Tolerance of Online Trigger System for COMET Phase-I. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2021. 68. 8. 2020-2027
MISC (6):
Work history (2):
  • 2024/03 - 現在 Imperial College London
  • 2018/07 - 2024/03 Monash University School of Physics and Astronomy Research Fellow
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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