J-GLOBAL ID:201801013039841773
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Ide Yoshiaki
Ide Yoshiaki
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Papers (14):
Yoshiaki Ide, Suresh Nayar, Heather Logan, Brendan Gallagher, Johan Wolfaardt. The effect of the angle of acuteness of additive manufactured models and the direction of printing on the dimensional fidelity: clinical implications. ODONTOLOGY. 2017. 105. 1. 108-115
Taka Nakahara, Noriko Tominaga, Junko Toyomura, Toshiaki Tachibana, Yoshiaki Ide, Hiroshi Ishikawa. Isolation and characterization of embryonic ameloblast lineage cells derived from tooth buds of fetal miniature swine. IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL. 2016. 52. 4. 445-453
Y. Ide, T. Nakahara, M. Nasu, H. Ishikawa. Cell dynamics in Hertwig's epithelial root sheath and surrounding mesenchyme in mice irradiated to the head. ORAL DISEASES. 2015. 21. 2. 232-239
Ide Y, Matsunaga S, Harris J, O' Connell D, Seikaly H, Wolfaardt J. Anatomical examination of the fibula: digital imaging study for osseointegrated implant installation. Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = Le Journal d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale. 2015. 44. 1
Yoshiaki Ide, Taka Nakahara, Masanori Nasu, Satoru Matsunaga, Takehiro Iwanaga, Noriko Tominaga, Yuichi Tamaki. Postnatal Mandibular Cheek Tooth Development in the Miniature Pig Based on Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional X-Ray Analyses. ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 2013. 296. 8. 1247-1254
MISC (52):
井出 吉昭, 深田 哲也, 那須 優則, 中原 貴. マウス歯胚の局所照射法の確立と歯根形成時の照射歯胚の形態学的観察. Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement. 2017. 2017. 204-204
井出 吉昭. 研究成果と臨床応用 実験用マイクロCT装置で観察した顎骨の内部構造. 歯学. 2017. 104. 春季特集. 101-103
井出 吉昭. FDM方式3Dプリンターにおける鋭角部角度の大きさが模型作製の精度に与える影響. 日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2016. 29. 4. E317-E318
井出 吉昭. マウス頭部放射線照射によるヘルトヴィッヒ上皮鞘とその周囲間葉の細胞動態. 歯学. 2016. 104. 秋季特集. 44-45
佐々木 瑛美, 岩堀 泰子, 原田 啓介, 井出 吉昭. 頭部放射線照射マウスの歯根形成期における根尖部周囲の増殖細胞の変化. 日本歯科医師会雑誌. 2016. 69. 5. 521-521
Patents (1):
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