Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2019 - 2023 樹体内炭素動態に基づいた森林土壌の炭素放出プロセスの解明
2016 - 2018 森林土壌圏における微生物動態に立脚した多様な有機物の分解呼吸プロセスの解明
2016 - 2018 地上部-地下部生態系間の連動性に着目した樹木根圏炭素動態の解明
2013 - 2014 様々な枯死有機物の分解呼吸特性とそれを考慮した森林土壌炭素蓄積速度の推定
Papers (28):
Erika Kawakami, Mioko Ataka, Tomonori Kume, Kohei Shimono, Masayoshi Harada, Takuo Hishi, Ayumi Katayama. Root exudation in a sloping Moso bamboo forest in relation to fine root biomass and traits. PloS one. 2022. 17. 3. e0266131
Lijuan Sun, Mioko Ataka, Yuji Kominami, Kenichi Yoshimura, Kanehiro Kitayama. Similar release pattern of two major groups of primary metabolites in root exudates of four coexisting canopy species. Rhizosphere. 2021. 20. 100425-100425
Lijuan Sun, Mioko Ataka, Yuji Kominami, Kenichi Yoshimura, Kanehiro Kitayama. A constant microbial C/N ratio mediates the microbial nitrogen mineralization induced by root exudation among four co-existing canopy species. Rhizosphere. 2021. 17. 100317-100317
Lijuan Sun, Mioko Ataka, Mengguang Han, Yunfeng Han, Dayong Gan, Tianle Xu, Yanpei Guo, Biao Zhu. Root exudation as a major competitive fine-root functional trait of 18 coexisting species in a subtropical forest. New Phytologist. 2021. 229. 1. 259-271
2019/03 - Excellent Award Root exudation as a major dimension of root traits among co-existing woody species in a deciduous-evergreen community
2018/08 - エスペック環境研究奨励賞
2017/03 - 第129回日本森林学会大会 学生ポスター賞
2017/03 - 日本農業気象学会 奨励賞 CO2 efflux from decomposing leaf litter stacks is influenced by the vertical distribution of leaf litter water content and its temporal variation
2016/09 - 日本土壌肥料学会 ポスター賞 暖温帯広葉樹林における落葉層分解呼吸の季節変化
2016/03 - 日本森林学会 学生奨励賞 In Situ CO2 Efflux from Leaf Litter Layer Showed Large Temporal Variation Induced by Rapid Wetting and Drying Cycle
2014/03 - 第61回日本生態学会大会 ポスター賞(最優秀賞) Root exudates mediate N decomposition by shaping microbial growth
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本生態学会