J-GLOBAL ID:201801013487602798
Update date: Mar. 04, 2025 SUNAKO Takehiko
スナコ タケヒコ | SUNAKO Takehiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (4):
Cognitive sciences
, Philosophy and ethics
, Philosophy and ethics
, Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords (3):
Quantum Mechanics
, Synthetic Anthropology
, Phenomenology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2016 - 2019 感性による疾走の熟達と言語化
Papers (28): -
山田雅敏,祝原豊,砂子岳彦. 技の伝授における身体と言語 -言葉を越えた感覚の共有を目指して-. 2025
福田鈴子, 砂子岳彦. 分断の時代における異文化間教育のホリスティック・アプローチ:ブーバーを手がかりに. ホリスティック教育/ケア. 2024. 27. 86-95
SUNAKO Takehiko. "Life-World" that Constructs Physical Space. Bulletin of Faculty of Business Administration Tokoha University. 2022. 10. 1. 1-8
SUNAKO Takehiko, FUKUDA Reiko. Answering "What is a Human?" by Means of a Model : From the Viewpoint of Phenomenology. Synthetic Anthropology. 2022. 16. 1. 71-83
SUNAKO Takehiko. Naturalization of Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology: On “Ontological Vibration”. 2022. 9. 2
more... MISC (8): -
FIKUDA Reiko, SUNAKO Takehiko. Communality. 2024
Study for Information Science on Metacognitive Verbalization for Progress of Embodied Knowledge. 2016. 10. 1. 57-63
An Example of English Education by Holistic Approach : Foreign Language Expressed in One's Own Words. 2016. 10. 1. 85-91
Mindfulness on Intercultural Education : From a Viewpoint Based on Meta-context. 2015. 9. 1. 49-56
A Study on Questionnaire Survey about Knowledge of Statistics The Teaching and Evaluation of Application of Computer Technology in the University. 2014. 8. 1. 85-91
more... Books (3): - 共生論:実存から平和へ
学文社 2024 ISBN:9784762033018
- システムと生成
アイザックアド 2004
- パソコンリテラシ
法政出版 1995
Lectures and oral presentations (23): -
<研究談話会> テーマ:『共生論 実存から平和へ』をめぐって
(総合人間学会 研究談話会 2025)
The Difference between Existence and AI : from Holistic point of view
Existence and Cross-Cultural Understanding Education in the Age of Division: Using Cultural Relativism as a Clue
Differences between Existence and AI in Relations between Self and Others
総合人間学会 キーワード研究会意見交換会 「共同性」について
(総合人間学会 KW(キーワード)公開研究会 2023)
more... Education (1): - 1981 - 1984 Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2023/04 - 現在 Musashino Gakuin University Fuculty of International Communication Fuculty of International Communication Professor
- 2013/04 - 2023/03 TOKOHA University Fuculty of Business Administration professor
- 1988/11 - 2013/03 常葉学園浜松大学 経営情報学部 助手~教授
- 1984/04 - 1987/03 Niihama National College of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
Committee career (1): - 2024/04 - 現在 総合人間学会 総合人間学会理事
Association Membership(s) (6):
The Japanese Society for Ethics
, Synthetic Anthropology
, 素粒子論研究
, 科学哲学会
, Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
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