Yasunori IKEDA, Yuji KATO, Wataru TAKABE, Takayuki NEGI. Practical Use of Materials and Exhibition Design in “Moving Text: Reading Film Materials”. Shizuoka University of Art and Culture bulletin. 2022. 22. 145-154
Akabane Kyo, Ikeda Yasunori. Application of multi-view video viewer "ArtDKT Viewer". PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD. 2017. 64. 0
IKEDA Yasunori, YASHIMA Yushi, YAMASHITA Ken, AKABANE Kyo. Spatiotemporal archive for interactive art that uses 3D scanning technology:Development of a viewing recording device. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD. 2016. 63. 0. 1-1
池田 泰教, 八嶋 有司, イトウ ユウヤ. An archive for multiple perspective interactive video application 〈Workshop Archive Viewer〉. 情報科学芸術大学院大学紀要. 2014. 6. 149-156
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
Practical Use of Materials and Exhibition Design in “Moving Text: Reading Film Materials”
Archiving performing arts with a time-based data viewer