Masahiro Otani, Haruki Kitamura, Sakae Kudoh, Satoshi Imura, Masaru Nakano. Transcriptome analysis of the common moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum grown under Antarctic field condition. AoB PLANTS. 2024. 16. 5. plae043
Eriko Tsurisaki, Masaaki Nameta, Shinsuke Shibata, Satoko Hirayama, Junji Iwai, Riuko Ohashi, Masahiro Otani, Yukiko Ito, Nana Matsumura, Yoshinari Moriguchi. Cytological Analysis of Male-Sterile MS5 Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Comparison with Other Male-Sterile Mutants. Journal of Plant Biology. 2024. 67. 1. 11-23
Hiroyuki Kakui, Tokuko Ujino-Ihara, Yoichi Hasegawa, Eriko Tsurisaki, Norihiro Futamura, Junji Iwai, Yuumi Higuchi, Takeshi Fujino, Yutaka Suzuki, Masahiro Kasahara, et al. A single-nucleotide substitution of CjTKPR1 determines pollen production in the gymnosperm plant Cryptomeria japonica. PNAS nexus. 2023. 2. 8. pgad236
Tomotake Wada, Sakae Kudoh, Hiroshi Koyama, Nataliia Iakovenko, Josef Elster, Jana Kvíderová, Masahiro Otani, Sho Shimada, Satoshi Imura. Abundance and biomass of Bdelloid rotifers in the microbial mats from East Antarctica: The ecological relations between microscopic phototrophs and invertebrates. Ecological Research. 2022. 38. 2. 317-330
Darunmas Sankhuan, Meiqiao Ji, Sota Takanashi, Yuto Imamura, Shoichi Sato, Kanyaratt Supaibulwatana, Masahiro Otani, Masaru Nakano. Induction of dwarf and early flowering phenotypes in Tricyrtis sp. by ectopic expression of LEAFY from Arabidopsis thaliana. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2022. 39. 2. 205-208
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