Fertility, market child care, labor supply and redistributive effects of public pensions
(Western Economic Association International 12th International Conference 2016)
Fertility, market child care, labor supply and redistributive effects of public pensions
(The Association for Public Economic Theory PET 15 2015)
Fertility, market child care, labor supply and redistributive effects of public pensions
(The Tilburg-Nagoya Workshop on Population Economics 2014)
Fertility, intra-generational distribution and social security sustainability
(The Association for Public Economic Theory, 13th Annual Conference 2012)
Changes in the eligibility age for payments of social security benefits under cash-in-advance constraints
(64th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance 2008)
Professional career (1):
博士(経済学) (中京大学)
Work history (1):
2013/04 - 現在 Chukyo University School of Economics
Awards (1):
2011/06 - Kuznets Prize, Journal of Population Economics
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Institute of Public Finance
, Japanese Economic Association
, Japan Association for Applied Economics
, Applied Regional Science Conference
, International Institute of Public Finance
, Western Economic Association International