J-GLOBAL ID:201801014495775312
Update date: Aug. 31, 2020
Fumi Ishida
Fumi Ishida
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Papers (1):
Fumi Tanaka, Andra Rizqiawan, Koichiro Higashikawa, Kei Tobiume, Gaku Okui, Hideo Shigeishi, Shigehiro Ono, Hiroshi Shimasue, Nobuyuki Kamata. Snail promotes Cyr61 secretion to prime collective cell migration and form invasive tumor nests in squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 2013. 329. 2. 243-252
Awards (2):
2000/10 - 口腔外科学会 2. 第55回日本口腔外科学会総会・学術大会 優秀口演賞
2000/02 - 1. 2nd International Workshop on BioDental Education & Research Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Poster award )
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