J-GLOBAL ID:201801014500253303
Update date: Feb. 04, 2025 Sugita Naoki
Sugita Naoki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Other affiliations (2): - Utsunomiya University
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity Division of Social Design (Master's Course) Graduate Program in Agricultural and Rural Economics
- Utsunomiya University
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Science on Agricultural Economy and Symbiotic Society (Doctor's Course)
Research field (1):
Agricultural sociology
Research keywords (2):
Agricultural Marketing
, Farm Management
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2023 - 2026 産直ECに対する生産者と消費者の意識変容; Twitterのセンチメント分析による接近
- 2018 - 2021 農業経営における家族経営・小規模経営によるコンセプト提案マーケティングの日米比較
- 2013 - 2017 Managerial Capability for product development of agricultural processed food
Papers (13): MISC (3): -
杉田直樹. 「九州茶業コンソーシアム」の取り組みについて(9・最終回)新技術導入に関する経営的評価. 茶. 2021. 74. 1. 14-18
杉田 直樹. 消費者が評価する産地ブランドとは (特集 農産物をどう売るか : マーケティング論の視点から). 農業と経済. 2016. 82. 10. 38-47
石塚 哉史, 数納 朗, 杉田 直樹. 和食食材における米国輸出の現状と課題 : こんにゃく製品の事例を中心に(個別報告要旨). 農業市場研究. 2007. 16. 2. 133-133
Books (3): - 世界の食文化百科事典
丸善出版 2021 ISBN:9784621305935
- 食と農でつむぐ地域社会の未来 : 12の眼で見たとちぎの農業
下野新聞社 2018 ISBN:9784882866916
- わが国における農産物輸出戦略の現段階と展望
筑波書房 2013 ISBN:9784811904245
Lectures and oral presentations (5): -
Missives from the strawberry kingdom: A case study of the limits of local food branding in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
(7th ARSA International Conference 2024)
Effect of Information about Wild Boar on Consumers’ Behaviors
(14th World Congress of RSAI 2024)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Direct Marketing E-commerce Platforms in Japan Based on a Quantitative Text Analysis of Twitter Data
Evaluating the impacts of Covid-19 on agricultural e-commerce and consumer purchasing in China
(XV World Congress of Rural Sociology (Cairns, Australia) 2022)
A study on agricultural E-commerce and consumer purchasing pre- and post- COVID19 in China
Professional career (1): - Ph. D. (The University of Tokyo)
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