Research field (1):
Literature - British/English-languag
Research keywords (4):
, シャーロット・ブロンテ
, ブランウェル・ブロンテ
, アン・ブロンテ
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2025 ブランウェル・ブロンテと19世紀イギリスにおける海賊の表象
Papers (9):
Yuri Furuno. The Motif of Charlotte Brontë's 'Two Brothers' Rivalry: Her Strong Interest in the Disowned and Neglected Children. Kobe Studies in English. 2023. 36. 15-28
Yuri Furuno. To mark the Bicentennial of Maria Bronte's Death: Her Literary Influence on the Brontes. Bronte Studies. 2022. 7. 2. 85-97
日下隆, ローソン・E・マイケル, 林浩士, 松尾江津子, 長井みゆき, 古野百合. The Grand Design of English Education for the Global Engineer Program at NIT Suzuka College. 2021. 240-245
“my love of geographical and topographical knowledge continues so strong”: what Branwell Brontë’s map and saga tell us of his distrust and trust in James MacQueen’s map and his article
(Seventh International Literary Juvenilia Conference, Sydney Australia 2022)