J-GLOBAL ID:201801014952648437
Update date: Jan. 20, 2025 Hattori Hidemi
ハットリ ヒデミ | Hattori Hidemi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Nutrition and health science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (97): -
Hidaka M, Oshima Y, Hanai Y, Kataoka H, Hattori H. Effects of Excessive High-fructose Corn Syrup Drink Intake in Middle-aged Mice. In vivo. 2024. 38. 3. 1152-1161
Hattori H, Hanai Y, Oshima Y, Kataoka H, Eto N. Excessive intake of high-fructose corn syrup drinks induces impaired glucose tolerance. Biomedicines. 2021. 9. 5. 512
Hattori H, Ishihara M. Fibroblast growth factor-2 and interleukin-4 synergistically induce eotaxin-1 expression in adipose tissue-derived stromal cells. Cell Biology International. 2020. 44. 5. 1124-1132
Ishihara Masayuki, Kishimoto Satoko, Nakamura Shingo, Sato Yoko, Hattori Hidemi. Polyelectrolyte Complexes of Natural Polymers and Their Biomedical Applications. POLYMERS. 2019. 11. 4. pii: E672
Rina Terao, Akira Murata, Kazuhiro Sugamoto, Tomoko Watanabe, Kiyoko Nagahama, Keiko Nakahara, Tomomi Kondo, Noboru Murakami, Keiichi Fukui, Hidemi Hattori, et al. Immunostimulatory effect of kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia) and its constituents, β-cryptoxanthin and R-limonene. Food & Function. 2019. 10. 1. 38-48
more... MISC (24): - Hidemi Hattori, Masayuki Ishihara. Development of mucoadhesive chitosan derivatives for use as submucosal injections. Polymers. 2018. 10. 4. 410
Masayuki Ishihara, Satoko Kishimoto, Shingo Nakamura, Koichi Fukuda, Yoko Sato, Hidemi Hattori. Biomaterials as cell carriers for augmentation of adipose tissue-derived stromal cell transplantation. Bio-medical materials and engineering. 2018. 29. 5. 567-585
- 中村伸吾, 山中望, 服部秀美, 石原雅之. 安全な水の供給のための微生物汚染への対策. 防衛医科大学校雑誌. 2015. 40. 3. 173-80
- Masayuki Ishihara, Isao Kumano, Hidemi Hattori, Shingo Nakamura. Application of hydrogels as submucosal fluid cushions for endoscopic mucosal resection and submucosal dissection. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 2015. 18. 3. 191-198
Ishihara M, Hattori H, Nakamura S. A review on biomedical applications of chitosan-based biomaterials. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2015. 6. 3. 162-178
more... Patents (3): -
Books (3): - キチン・キトサンの最新科学技術 ~ 機能性ファイバーと先端医療材料 第10章 キチン・キトサンの止血・創傷治癒促進・抗菌効果を活用した医療材料の開発
技報堂出版 2016 ISBN:9784765503990
- Experimental and clinical therapeutic uses of low-molecular-weight heparin/ protamine micro/nanoparticles. Nanomedicine.
One Central Press 2014 ISBN:9781910086018
- Biological, Chemical, and Physical Compatibility of Chitosan and Biopharmaceuticals. Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals: Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics
Wiley 2012 ISBN:9780470978320
Lectures and oral presentations (34): -
(日本農芸化学会2024年度大会 2024)
(第96回日本生化学会大会 2023)
4-Vinylcyclohexene diepoxide投与による女性更年期モデルマウスの評価
(第96回日本生化学会大会 2023)
(第96回日本生化学会大会 2023)
(2023年度日本栄養・食糧学会九州・沖縄支部大会 2023)
more... Awards (1): - 2018/12 - 宮崎大学農学部 宮崎大学農学部表彰論文 最優秀賞
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