Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2013 - 2016 Molecular target photodynamic therapy against bladder cancer
2010 - 2012 The effect of a novel photodynamic therapy with glycoconjugated fullerene and ultraviolet A-1 irradiation against bladder cancer cells
2009 - 2011 Establishment of magnetic field induced interstitial hyperthermic therapy for specific metastatic lesion of prostate cancer using antibody conjugated magnetic nano-partilce
Papers (14):
Takashi Nagai, Kazumi Taguchi, Teruki Isobe, Nayuka Matsuyama, Tatsuya Hattori, Rei Unno, Taiki Kato, Toshiki Etani, Takashi Hamakawa, Yasuhiro Fujii, et al. A Multicenter, Prospective, Non-randomized Study Evaluating Surgical hand Preparation between Double-Gloving and Single-Gloving for Preventing Postoperative Infection in Robotic and Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Surgeries. Urology journal. 2023. 20. 2. 109-115
Taiki Kato, Maria Aoki, Koei Torii, Takashi Hamakawa, Hidenori Nishio, Kentaro Mizuno, Yosuke Ikegami, Tetsuji Maruyama, Yutaro Hayashi, Takahiro Yasui. Pelviureteric junction obstruction of the ipsilateral kidney caused by hydronephrosis secondary to crossed fused renal ectopia. IJU Case Reports. 2022. 5. 5. 354-357
Koei Torii, Yosuke Ikegami, Maria Aoki, Taiki Kato, Takashi Hamakawa, Tetsuji Maruyama, Takahiro Yasui. Status epilepticus in a patient with intractable epilepsy caused by renal colic due to a ureter stone. IJU Case Reports. 2022. 5. 2. 85-87
Tetsuji Maruyama, Kentaro Mizuno, Hidenori Nishio, Taiki Kato, Takashi Hamakawa, Yosuke Ikegami, Takahiro Yasui, Yutaro Hayashi. Antireflux endoscopic injection therapy in post-pubertal patients via techniques adopted for the dilated ureteral orifice: a retrospective single-center study. BMC urology. 2021. 21. 1. 70-70
Daichi Kobayashi, Noriyasu Kawai, Shinya Sato, Toshiki Etani, Taku Naiki, Kenji Yamada, Yosuke Ikegami, Ryosuke Ando, Hiromichi Naruyama, Kazuhiro Kanemoto, et al. THERMOTHERAPY WITH MAGNETIC CATIONIC LIPOSOMES POWERFULLY SUPPRESSES PROSTATE CANCER BONE METASTASIS IN A NOVEL RAT MODEL. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2014. 191. 4. E264-E265
Yosuke Ikegami, Noriyasu Kawai, Keiichi Tozawa, Yutaro Hayashi, Kenjiro Kohri. Malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis related to recent asbestos (vol 15, pg 560, 2008). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2008. 15. 8. 755-755
池上 要介, 後藤 英仁, 榎本 将人, 笠原 広介, 友野 靖子, 辻村 邦夫, 清野 透, 森田 明理, 郡 健二郎, 稲垣 昌樹. 分裂前期及びDNA損傷により起こるChk1新規リン酸化反応(Novel Chk1 phosphorylation occurred not only in early mitosis but also in DNA damage checkpoint). 日本癌学会総会記事. 2007. 66回. 487-487