J-GLOBAL ID:201801015328397647
Update date: Nov. 25, 2024 SHUN WATANABE
ワタナベ シュン | SHUN WATANABE
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Neuroscience - general
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2016 - 2020 The roles of sialic acids in nociceptive behavior
- 2014 - 2016 The roles of glycosphingolipids in neuropathic pain.
- 2011 - 2013 The roles of glycolipids in nociception and analgesia.
Papers (21): -
Shun Watanabe, Misa Oyama, Takashi Iwai, Mitsuo Tanabe. Glucosylceramide synthase inhibitor ameliorates chronic inflammatory pain. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2024. 156. 4. 235-238
Misa Oyama, Shun Watanabe, Takashi Iwai, Mitsuo Tanabe. Selective inhibition of A-fiber-mediated excitatory transmission underlies the analgesic effects of KCNQ channel opening in the spinal dorsal horn. Neuropharmacology. 2024. 254. 109994-109994
Takashi Iwai, Rei Mishima, Shigeto Hirayama, Honoka Nakajima, Misa Oyama, Shun Watanabe, Hideaki Fujii, Mitsuo Tanabe. SYK-623, a δ Opioid Receptor Inverse Agonist, Mitigates Chronic Stress-Induced Behavioral Abnormalities and Disrupted Neurogenesis. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024. 13. 2. 608-608
Motoki Morita, Shun Watanabe, Natsumi Nomura, Kanako Takano-Matsuzaki, Misa Oyama, Takashi Iwai, Mitsuo Tanabe. Sulfatide-selectin signaling in the spinal cord induces mechanical allodynia. Journal of neurochemistry. 2023. 164. 5. 658-670
Misa Oyama, Shun Watanabe, Takashi Iwai, Mitsuo Tanabe. Distinct synaptic mechanisms underlying the analgesic effects of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter subtypes 1 and 3 inhibitors in the spinal dorsal horn. Pain. 2022. 163. 2. 334-349
more... MISC (10): -
宿利 美香, 大内 彩子, 内藤 康仁, 岩井 孝志, 渡辺 俊, 尾山 実砂, 植松 智, 審良 静男, Jakobsson Per-Johan, 田辺 光男, et al. mPGES-1阻害薬のマウス脳梗塞障害改善機序. 日本薬学会年会要旨集. 2018. 138年会. 3. 95-95
松尾 由理, 與澤 智佳, 川野 早紀, 水口 愛香, 植松 智, 審良 静男, 内藤 康仁, 渡辺 俊, 岩井 孝志, 田辺 光男. マウス脳出血モデルにおける膜結合型PGE2合成酵素-1の役割. 日本薬学会年会要旨集. 2017. 137年会. 3. 69-69
Takashi Iwai, Yuri Matsuo-Ikeda, Mayu Kaneko, Yasuhito Naito, Mitsuo Tanabe, Mikako Wada, Shun Watanabe. Vasodilator action of glucagon-like peptide-2 in the mouse dura matter: implication in migraine. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2016. 19. 280-280
Ayako Ouchi, Mika Shikuri, Yasuhito Naito, Shun Watanabe, Takashi Iwai, Per-Johan Jakobsson, Mitsuo Tanabe, Yuri Ikeda-Matsuo. Amelioration of ischemic brain injury by a novel mPGES-1 inhibitor. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2016. 130. 3. S88-S88
Ai Saito, Yuri Ikeda-Matsuo, Shun Watanabe, Takashi Iwai, Mitsuo Tanabe, Yasuhito Naito. Phosphorylation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I beta 2 in cortical neurons. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2014. 124. 200P-200P
more... Patents (2): Lectures and oral presentations (125): -
(痛み研究会2023:痛みの統合的理解とその制御に向けて 〜節目の年に痛み研究の進歩を振り返り今後の展望を語る〜 2024)
Sialic acid degradation in the inflamed skin attenuates the number of the epidermal nerve fibers and inflammatory pain via calcitonin gene related peptide
(第67回日本薬学会関東支部大会 2023)
(第53回日本神経精神薬理学会年会 2023)
(第42回鎮痛薬・オピオイドペプチドシンポジウム 2023)
more... Professional career (1): Awards (2): - 2017/06 - 優秀演題 スフィンゴ糖脂質とその糖転移酵素、分解酵素の疼痛への関与
- 2010/09 - The international society of Neurochemistry The international society of Neurochemistry Conference Support Grant: “Molecular Targets for Novel Pain Therapeutics Intraplantar injection of gangliosides produces nociceptive behavior and hyperalgesia
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 分子生物学会
, 日本神経科学会
, 日本脂質生化学会
, 日本糖質学会
, 日本薬学会
, 日本薬理学会
, 日本疼痛学会
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