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J-GLOBAL ID:201801015933962232   Update date: Sep. 25, 2022

yasuyo Araki

yasuyo Araki
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Business administration
Research keywords  (1): management history,historical sociology
MISC (5):
  • 荒木 康代. An examination of the housewife and housemaids relationships in the merchant family in Japan: from the diary of the wife in a merchant family in 1927. Kwansei Gakuin University School of Sociology and Social Work Journal. 2009. 107. 193-206
  • 荒木 康代. An examination of the role of the proprietress in caring for and maintaining order of the employees: the dialy of the wife of the merchant family in l927. SOSHIOROJI. 2009. 54. 1. 105-121
  • 荒木 康代. A choice of starting small business for women: from the two case studies of merchant before and after World War 2. Journal of labor sociology. 2009. 10. 1-33
  • ARAKI Yasuyo. Store Management and Family Life : A case study of "live-in employees" in the Osaka Senba area in the 1950s(Commemorative Issue in Honor of the Retirement of Professor Takeo YAMAMOTO). Kwansei Gakuin Sociology Department studies. 2008. 104. 197-209
  • ARAKI Yasuyo. An Examination of Wives and Management of Merchant Families:A Case Study of "Goryonsan" in the Osaka Senba Area in the Prewar Period. SOSHIOROJI. 2007. 51. 3. 57-73,207
Books (2):
  • 大阪船場 おかみの才覚 (平凡社新書)
    平凡社 2011 ISBN:4582856217
  • 循環型社会の企業経営 (環境経営学)
    税務経理協会 2000 ISBN:4419035463
Association Membership(s) (3):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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